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Hypocrites as usual

biguy12 6 June 9

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No shocker there coming from that degenerate.


The bloody bloke is a racist that the liberal media scum refuse to report .


Valid question


He is a racist piece of crap just like his old man.

It’s hilarious that these liberal pieces of crap do not believe this story because the liberal media did not cover it ,regardless of the fact that it has been covered by other non liberal news outlets .Stupid liberals that refuse to believe anything unless a liberal source of media covers it .These brainwashed idiots are pathetic .


What a pathetic loser, and racist


AS IF your assorted relatives' behavior makes you somehow guilty. AS iF this is actually true.....
Billy Carter, anyone?
Oh, wait, Eric or Junior? (aka Beavis & Butthead)

You white trash liberals are a joke .If the facts fit your agenda it’s the truth if not it’s a falsehood.Also this post has nothing to do with the president but you are probably to close minded to see my point .

@biguy12 oh, I see your "point", clearly, and that bucket of tar & feathers right beside you.
I repeat, YOUR relatives are all perfect?

@biguy12 an astute evaluation my man


The NY Post is owned by Rupert Murdock. It is not even fit to be toilet paper.


NY Post. LMAO!

This is not the only publication or news outlet this has been covered by .LMAO!!

@granny Most of these cretins did not have the brains to check to see if it was covered elsewhere before making erroneous claims


They will let this creeps actions slide like they usually do .No surprises.


It’s funny because it’s true

Good one LOL


This pathetic loser with his disgusting lifestyle continues to get away without any negative criticism from the liberal media .

bebe12 Level 6 June 9, 2021

The NY Post is owned by Rupert Murdock. You must also believe that Fox News is a real TV news network. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!. GEEZ!

@Sticks48 This has been covered by other news publications you fool
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH . but you did not have the brains to check HAHAHA

@biguy12 So you post from the most unreliable source on the planet and l'm a fool littleman12. HAHAHAHAHA. Post some articles from legitimate news sources. Even if true, he ain't the President and l could not care less littleman12.

@biguy Most of these cretins do not have the brains to check if this has been reported elsewhere which it has

@Sticks48 You liberal asshats only think legitimate sources are from your own liberal run toilets which don’t cover anything that does not fit their narrative .Sounds like the religious nuts that do not believe anything unless it comes from the Bible

@fedup You and your ilk are the ones whose heads are stuck up the ass of some lying, amoral, immoral, cowardly, waste of skin. I have house plants smarter than you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHJAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Thanks for describing your ilk .Sticks it up your ass.


Trump actually did use the N-word on The Apprentice and still managed to get elected president and retweeted a quote in 2013 that included the N-word. His niece even said that Trump repeatedly used the N-word.

And there's a difference, a big difference in my opinion, between a private citizen using racial slurs and someone elected president of the U.S. using racial slurs. Hunter Biden doesn't have a cult-like following of worshippers like Trump does. Trump's follows love that he is hateful, racist, misogynistic, and bigoted.

Who really cares what Hunter Biden says. He would be a nobody if his father wasn't president.

What the hell does Trump have to do with my post you demented TDS Inflicted fooI ,I do not even follow Trump nor am I defending Trump in regards to him using the n word.

Not sure why I am bothering to reply. You seem to be a rude and ill-mannered person who insults anyone who has an opinion outside your own.

It just seems extremely hypocritical to get angry at Hunter Biden's racial slurs but utterly ignore Trumps.

You seem to have at least a few traits in common with Trump though because just like him you seem to love to throw insults at people and enjoy using racial slurs toward others and both you and him act childish and think that rudeness is a show of strength. Very sad.

I have no doubt your response will be more insults and infantile behavior.


Not a peep from these liberal hypocrites who would have stirred up a shit storm if any one of Trumps offspring would have stated anything such as this.

Google who owns the NY Post before you speak. You just sound silly.


If one of Trump’s kids did 1/10th of what Biden’s kid has done, liberals would be tipping the earth off its freaken axis.
Only orange man bad. Only orange man. ONLY ORANGE MAN!!!!

Shhhhhhhhhhhh……… Hunter’s issues will pass quietly.

This site would have been over loaded with their whining crap.

@godlessguy Absolutely my nig…..htcluber

They robbed a cancer charity. STFU.

@Secretguy Hunter???


What would the hypocrisy be?

Blacks call themselves the n-word in a variety of contexts, both as denigration as well as affection. Civil society dictates that Whites may not use the word in reference to Blacks, except in the rare instance of affection and privacy, though that is still inappropriate. For a White to call another White the n-word could be either in affection or denunciation. It seems inappropriate to insist that Whites never use the word at all (even in private) while Blacks use it commonly. If Blacks want the word dropped from the language, they should consider never using it either.

You are so full of malarkey Mr Trump piñata man .If one of Trumps kids said this you would not have dared to submit this comment so as not to break from the herd of sheep you belong to you HYPOCRITE

@tiredofthis1 Self-hating much?

@racocn8 why would this members point of view indicate self - hating you moron.

@Emanuele exactly!

Mindless Insults from conservative trolls? Gotta love it.


Your point? Hunter Biden is not Joe Biden. He is not the man that Joe is.

Do you have bad reading comprehension .Hypocritical media is the main point of my post and the attached article .

@biguy12 Do you know who owns the NY Post? If you don't, Google it. If you do know, then you, like the NY Post have now credibility.

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