I find it interesting that many atheists, including ones on this platform, give up their belief in a god but do not give up their religiosity. For example, you have a lot of progressive atheists who swallow what the government tells them whole without any skepticism on their part. There’s a virus going around, sure, we can give up our freedoms including being able to assemble in public. I witnessed this with Jake, a prominent leftoid streamer who wears a corn suit and bloviates about how bad capitalism is, even though he engages in it. A lot of progressive atheists believe in feminism and critical race theory unquestioningly. Essentially, SJW bullshit has become their new religion. Just ask Steve Shives and Kristi Winters. Also, PZ Myers, a biologist, thinks that in order to be an atheist, you must also agree with social justice principles. Here I thought that being an atheist merely meant lacking belief in a deity. Interestingly, a group of people that preach “tolerance and acceptance” are the most intolerant and insufferable assholes in the world. When it comes down to it, being an atheist does not exempt from being susceptible to brainwashing.
Yeah, I've see breakdowns with more than a dozen categories of atheism. For a lot of people, they need to transition out of their belief systems slowly or want to preserve their social or family connections. Remember, atheism is like lower than pedophile serial killer thanks to the evangelicals.
Buddhism in its purest form is atheistic and so is LaVeyan Satanism. Yeah, a lot of evangelicals give atheists a bad rap but a lot of atheists do themselves no favors. Thanks for the reply.
This is actually an agnostic site unfortunately dominated by atheists. I'm an 'agnostic deist' (today) and I haven't 'given up' my belief in 'god' because I neither believe or disbelieve, and I'm not looking for others to agree with me.
But the simple truth is no one KNOWS if there is such a thing nor what to call it, define it, conceptualize it. They try, but it can't be done.
I don't 'swallow' what the government says unquestioningly, but I did get vaccinated. I'm agnostic about everything, not just god. A little common sense goes a long way; it's not complicated.
I'm one of those atheist you speak of. I'm an agnostic atheist. I have no knowledge of any gods existing, and I have a lack of belief in any gods.
That is a valid worldview. I can go with that. Thanks for your thoughtful reply
Well, we're all different and, despite we agree on not believing in God, we all have different points of view in the matters you mentioned. Does it mean that people follow blindly? Not necessarily.
Viewpoint diversity doesn’t apply to leftish views. Those holding such views are often branded SJW snowflakes or regressive left and hence dismissed from the adult table. Viewpoint diversity in some cases means atheists helping puff up Jordan Peterson’s second career outside academia or having awkward connections to Sovereign Nations. Oh, sarcasm tag the preceding. Thanks.
I am skepticaI don't believe anything without facts to back it up. Atheist, critical thinker, misanthrope and nihilist no where near the typical humanistic atheist I just plain don't give a shit who doesn't like me.
When worshipping at an altar, whether it be Muslim, Christian, North Korean, Hindu, Communism, Capitalism, Squirrels & Pigeons, Unicorns...ETC ETC Et fucking C......
Let's put it this way: Worship 1st, then religion organizes and follows.
I will now read the comments below
Would you say that this problem is endemic among left wing voters but not nearly as common in other voters?
Yes, for the most part but my post was a commentary on how atheists replaced God with an ideology that they do not question like it’s a gospel
Religiosity much in this statement of yours?.
"Women get the same for the same work, cuck. Women EARN less than men. There is a difference, prog."
Petards. get your petards here, petards for the hoisting, petards only two a penny.
Nope. Facts. Women work more part-time jobs, take more days off, work in fields that earn less , etc.
@Heavykevy1985 qed
I find it hilarious how religious people think they can tell me how I think and that all non-religious people think the same. So simple minded are these religions and there followers.
Their, is the correct spelling for your sentence.