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Someone once said god doesnt play dice? But its now into monopoly. Next thing you know people will be required to submit to Authority-666 pay taxes.

Word 8 Aug 27

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Are you expecting us to help you with your grammar?


Far too incoherent.....less 'shrooms or whatever, try again?

It requires a higher level of intelligence capabilities for some "out siders" to interpret ebonics, Texbonics or other simular dialects. If 'shrooms are to blame, then you should be the one to cut back on 'shrooms so you can understand.

id like some shrooms only did them once it was fun


Do they pray before they roll the dice?

Didn't open to see rukes


Does that game come with a get-out-of-Hell free card?

I didn't buy it

@Word Wasn't really asking that seriously.

It probably does. I'm sure you go straight to hell without passing heaven. Either way, you are short a halo and $200 because you still had to pay tithe.

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