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Preparing grade school children for further indoctrination later in high school and college.


PBuck0145 7 Sep 14

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Oann is a right wing site nasty need a shower

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 21, 2021

To the relevant commenters:

The knee-jerk dismissal of a post, based mainly or solely on the lack of a leftist imprimatur of the host site, flaunts inability or unwillingness to engage in independent rational thought.

Classical liberals are routinely censored by the MSM, and by the predominant social networks. These liberals therefore resort to using sites which eschew censorship. It is inevitable that such sites also attract posts by extremists. One needs to judge each post on its merits, rather by a partisan declaration of the plausibility of the post's host medium.


"Rumble" again....move on, nothing real here........




It sure doesn't sound like education. Teachers and Educational Administrators need to learn they are there to teach; they are not there to make Social judgement.

Hi there. While I'm against introducing CRT to young children, especially those who are yet to develop critical thinking skills, I find it irritating that people like Lindsay propagate the "don't trust schools, don't trust teachers" narrative. Don't you have some sort of legislation in America that prevent indoctrination in schools? Over here in the UK, we have a law to prevent it. Also, teachers are expected to observe the importance of impartiality; that is in the job description, plus, all schools, both state-run and public/private, are inspected by independent bodies regularly.

@TheMiddleWay I really don't care what it sounds like to you. I've seen many of your previous remarks and I am saddened that you actually pretend to teach.

@Ryo1 Schools in America are a State, not Federal issue. As such ther are 50 different sets of rules.

@TheMiddleWay Don't pretend, do it!

@TheMiddleWay You aren't funny, nor a great communicator. You are simply a self absorbed person.

@TheMiddleWay You should realize that your greatest asset is your unsurpassed ability to be an annoying reprobate.

@Alienbeing And those rules allow teachers to brainwash children with extreme ideas? I know I'm showing my ignorance; I have no idea how the education system works in your country.

@Ryo1 Don't feel bad. I live here and I don't know the laws affecting education in all our 50 States. In fact I don't know all the laws affecting education in my own State and i am a retired lawyer.

Basically Boards of Education do whatever they want to do until they ar challenged. Since most laws and rules regarding education are never read, they have a broad latitude.

@Ryo1, @TheMiddleWay In a previous iteration you were a psychologist. In a reply above you said you were a teacher. Then you corrected that and said you are in oncology. I suspect what you are is a story teller.

I hope you find an occupation worthy of your undeserved opinion of yourself. In any event as I said previously i really don't care what you think.

@Alienbeing Well, I'm certainly intrigued. I'll do some homework. Thanks.

@TheMiddleWay I believe that the UK government is currently not overly keen on including the teaching of CRT in the national curriculum. IMO, any theories and ideas, including political and religious beliefs, need to be examined from different angles so as to be understood properly, and CRT is no exception. It is important that one has critical thinking skills to study such theories and ideas. Otherwise, brainwashing will take place. Any professional educators who are critical-minded and who take the importance of impartiality would prevent it from happening. Are you one such professional teacher yourself? I would like to believe that there are many many teachers of the above description and that is why I get irritated by the "don't trust teachers" narrative propagated by those who don't know the first thing about education.

@TheMiddleWay Yes, the officials in the education department, central and local, in the UK know what CRT is (so do I), hence they are not keen on teaching it in schools for the very reason you presented in your comment. If it were to be taught in schools/colleges/universities, it would need to be introduced carefully, treated as an academic subject and not as an influencer, so that students can learn about it, just like studying about religions without being indoctrinated. And those who teach it and learn about it must have critical thinking abilities.

@TheMiddleWay Critical Race Theory is not a Legal theory. It has no legal precedent. Actually all it seems to be is a restatement that racism is systemic, which it is, however that is nothing more than tribalism.

@TheMiddleWay Your reason fo calling CRT a fringe legal theory is absurd. Many things are taught in law school that are not considered legal theory.

@TheMiddleWay When I hear of a case citing the theory I'll agree. Teaching alone does not constitute a legal construct.

What those that promote it consider, is of no consequence at all.

@TheMiddleWay I am a competent legal researcher (I've done it for over 40 years) and I am unaware of any such case. Teaching alone does not eatablish a theory, except perhaps in the mind of the teacher. Additionally CRT seems to be nothing than a restatement of how racial prejudice can affect a group or individual.

Your many previously claimed occupations apparently did not give you much legal prowess.

@TheMiddleWay I don't think we agree on anything.

@TheMiddleWay What I am saying is I really don't care what you think. I'll add two more thoughts:

1.CRT is not a legal issue, it is nothing more than a discussion of tribalism from a differnt angle.
2. Unless I contacted every schoool system in the country I would have no way of knowing if any of them, taught or referenced CRT, and neither do you.


I was indoctrinated in grade school that our democracy is our special gift...that we have a balance between socialism and capitalism...brotherhood, that if we hate one group it will spread to other groups...and that we all have to do our part.

Our class had an esprit de corps and we all loved our teachers.

Boy, was I lucky!!!

But then FDR was president. It was a long time ago. When Wendell Wilkie lost his bid to be president, he vowed loyalty to FDR, offered his help and urged all his followers to support FDR.

Love was in the air around me in Brooklyn.

Democracy can exist in either pure Capitalism or pure Socialism. One is economic the other is political.

@Alienbeing I listed separate points.

@think-beyond MMMMm OK


OAN says it all. People who follow this group are morons. Puleeeeze give us a break.


Bogus pseudo source. Pahhleeeze!


I don't know a damned thing about "rumble" but I do know a bit about OAN. It is One America Network and far right enough to not believe in climate change, genders, etc., etc. so they want you to think their repressive views are exactly what you believe in. Why would I click on it? They have their heads in the sand.


Yeah, ok...


Flaming pants load of bullshit.


I will counter with:
A. Bullshit.
B. Even if it were true, it wouldn't be half as bad as what churches do.
C. Go fuck yourself. No one else is up for the job.


OAN? I'm not even gonna click on it.


This is NOT appropriate material for the Academic (Science) group. If the source cited were a peer reviewed paper or study, perhaps it would belong here. But an article from OAN does not qualify as an academic publication.


Personally, I don't consider Lindsay to be remotely credible.
I also don't believe the assertions made in that clip.

me either


order and conformity is not always bad ...
this journaling and class discussion is bullshit
journaling is good
schools now don't have the money or the time to do all of this bullshit
they teach to specific state tests in texas iits star and that is all they teach

OAN is pure lies and propaganda

He's using OAN now? OAN makes FOX look like NPR.
That poster has little more than right wing screeds to flaunt and then hurling insults when challenged.

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