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We Canadians are far too submissive to authority. I am thankful for those U.S. citizens who love their freedom.

The real purpose of the vaccine mandates and the vaccine “passports” is to impose compliance and docility upon the citizenry, enabling powerful elites to more easily manage their “domesticated human livestock”. Welcome to the “New World Order”.

PBuck0145 7 Sep 30

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Unfortunately, there are many people who cannot handle unbridled freedom, so rules, regulations, laws, mandates, etc., are necessary. This SHOULD be obvious.
Would you rather have a wild wolf in your house, or a domesticated dog?

Of course the rule of law is preferable. We do NOT need tyrannical laws. Who is advocating "unbridled freedom" ? Neither I nor this post.

@PBuck0145 No, you're just saying 'elites' want us to take the vaccine not for better public health, but rather to more easily "domesticate" us.
So? Many people are poorly domesticated in their formative years, judging by their ridiculous or irresponsible/dangerous behavior. So these "elites," like for instance doctors, or public health officials, might for good reason want to more fully domesticate these foolish/infantile/self-deluded livestock-like children. I for one do not blame them in the slightest.

@Storm1752 A good, docile, compliant citizen, eager to be subjected to "New World Order" tyranny. KUDOS!

@PBuck0145 I'm all for a New World Order, with a world government, world economic system, world language, etc. In time the population would probably meld into one culture and race, but that would take a long time. It wouldn't be mandated, it'd just happen in due course.
Religion? It might combine into one religion, or fragment into countless ones, but it's possible it could one day disappear altogether. Who knows?
So yeah, I think a New World Order will be great someday. All citizens would of course be law-abiding, peaceful, and compliant.
But we're a LONG way from that happy day, as you yourself indicate by your paranoid, bellicose, hostile and negative attitude.. It makes me glad we all die someday; maybe a future generation will get it right.

@Storm1752 A consistent. ostensibly virtuous long-term goal.

My views were similar to yours, until it became evident that those promoting global systems fail to address the real existential threat to humanity which Imperialist political Islam imposes.

Islam, which is tolerated and encouraged by too many New World Order advocates, also has long-term goals.

Note that my opposition is to the ideology, not its adherents. I empathize with the followers of "the prophet", who are oppressed, betrayed and enslaved by their indoctrinated ideology. We need to help and encourage them to apostatize, freeing themselves and humanity from the cruel ideology.

Until Islam is eliminated, a peaceful "one world" system will not be possible.

@PBuck0145 I don't know what militant Islam or militant Christianity have to do with it. Those people would all have to be killed off first. Haha. Just kidding.


anything to keep us divided while they steal more billions, i bet


Oh horsefeathers!!!!!!

maybe anne, dunno, but you might notice that we are now (bitterly?) divided over something neither of us cared at all about two years ago, that was likely human-developed in a Chinese lab that the US was supporting? That one of their head epidemiologists has called out and been fired for, that’s worth multiple billions of dollars.

i mean may i ask what it would take to make you a non-believer?

@bbyrd009 going to get my booster in 2 weeks, got my flu shot yesterday. All pharmacies inmy area offering the booster & flu on a walk-in aside, and quite busy, too.
Never going to be a "non-believer," I grew up when polio was a real problem, duuuuh

@AnneWimsey they prolly arent in order
do what you like for sure anne but you might at least consider the possibility that “whatever you think the gov is doing, the truth is much worse”

@bbyrd009 sounds like something an anti-vax anti-gov conspiracy theory Nut Job would repeat.
Becuz people keeps secrets So well, governments even better than that.....

@AnneWimsey you don't need to keep a secret if you can sell a lie i guess

and none of that was secret anne,
you just didnt know about it?
a book was written, legislation was enacted
and everything

@bbyrd009 They don't know WHERE Covid came from. Don't make declarative statements about things you don't know.

@Storm1752 well, i did qualify the statement? You are right, i don't know, but you make the unqualified statement "they don't know," so i mean wtf lol. Which they? How tf do you know what they don't know? Ill find the vid (on a different device) of the Chinese lady and UL it for you if you like; according to her absolutely no geneticist would be fooled for a second, at least if im understanding her right--she is kinda hard to understand

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