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Colorado woman who won't get vaccinated denied transplant

When religion strips away the last of one's sanity.


Secretguy 7 Oct 8

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I read about that. I am having a difficult time feeling pity. It is the unvaxxed who are taking up hospital space and keeping others from getting needed surgery. Also, she can do dialysis, which would be a temporary assist - so far she hasn't done that.


I do not feel the least little bit of sympathy for her.
She's a fucking dumbass.



Duh Duh Duh! Another one bites the dust...
Thank Queen!


Irony doubled, she's perfectly willing to take advantage of modern medicines most advanced type of surgery yet she doesn't trust modern medicines best defense against covid.

Welcome to the double-think of the mentally defective.


Her "religion" allows transplants, but not vaccines? I suspect she made that up. She doesn't deserve the vaccine anyway due to terminal ignorance. Darwin Award for sure, though.


She is a willing victim of her own stupidity.


Stupid is as stupid does.


How dumb! We only have this life.


She is not being punished in this. It is the fact that without being vaccinated she is a threat to her doctors who would be doing her transplant.

A POSSIBLE threat to the O.R. Staff, Recovery Room Staff, the Nursing Staff, The Ancillary Staff AND ALL the other patients and their visitors as well.
Operating Theartes have to be kept as spotlessly clean and sterile as possible EVEN though EVERY Person entering one, patient of staff member is LITERALLY crawling with bacteria , mites, etc, both inside and out.
With this woman and her case I'd say simply, let your God and Jesus heal you if your beliefs are that strong and founded.
But, first make ALL your funeral arrangements, select your burial plot and pay for it first.

It's not only that. She would be a waste of that resource. When I got mine I had a lot of things I had to change about my life to get it. She wasn't willing to do her work so they weren't willing to do theirs


They will also take people who have a drinking problem, drug abuse and smokers off the list who refuse to get treatment/quit.
Let someone who actually is willing to put effort into their own health a chance with a life saving operation of an organ transplant.

That is not how emergency care works, sweetie.

@Heavykevy1985 Don't you dare call me sweetie, you contemptible chode

@BufftonBeotch okay sweetie

@Heavykevy1985 Wrong that is exactly how transplants work. People are judged based on a variety of factors including their own initiative to maintain their health.

@Budgie and taking a vaccine for COVID when the jury is still out on whether it will have an adverse effect on the recipient is still out. Also, no, emergency care does not work that way.

@Heavykevy1985 The jury is not out you just don't like the answer. Also girl is a drug addict, destroys her liver, gets clean gets a new one. Goes back on the drugs, destroys her new liver, gets clean asks to go back on the lists, gets told no.
Told she has already been given a new one it was up to her to do the right thing. She died at 24, no one apart from her parents had any sympathy for her.
Sorry but unless someone is offering one up for her specifically then she has to follow the guidelines as it is not emergencry care it is a transplant list.
And you are showing great disrespect to BufftonBeotch by deliberately using a term of address that is not only mysoginistic but she has asked you not to use. That is the kind of thing I expect from an incel.


Bye, Bye.


She's making her deluded choice, and there is no treatment for it, at least none that she would accept, so let her suffer and die, then more space and treatment will be available for those who really want it. Esp. for organ transplants, give the organs to people who are sanely trying to protect their health. The organs will be better used and the outcomes will also be longer and better.

From her point of view, letting herself die voluntarily is a win-win, as she gets to uphold her stupid beliefs and also gets to meet Jesus sooner than later....


This is the shame and horror of religion - - She has been brainwashed and thus betrayed by cohorts, to death.

This doesn’t happen to non-religious people? Are you not acquainted with our resident antivaxers?

@skado Religion has competition these days in the form of Fox (or other ultra-conservative platforms). The loyalty involves the same pattern of conspiracy and unreasoning acceptance of messages, and loyalty (litmus) -testing. In that way, the association and fealty and nonsense becomes its own cult. It is the impulse to address insecurity with joining a multi-entity colony mega-organism

Sounds to me like what you’re talking about is just ordinary, garden-variety human tribalism and ignorance. I’m not aware of any sector that is without them.


So, her religion is preventing her from having a transplant. Sounds straightforward to me.


A great illustration of how, for humans, “meaning” is more important than life itself. We are (often) more concerned about preserving meaning than preserving our own existence. We can face death easier than facing the prospects of a meaningless life.

The problem is... that we can become attached to ideas that we experience as meaningful... for reasons that are not founded in reality.

Authentic (as opposed to corrupted) religion is that practice which enables individuals to derive meaning from the process of learning how to more correctly discern reality.

skado Level 9 Oct 8, 2021

Stupidity wins


Well, she made her be it.
Fetuses are not people, by the way.

That small point is lost on such mental midgets.


Will she sue the hospital for interfering with her religious freedom?


As someone who's gotten a transplant. GOOD. That imbecile didn't deserve one.

Raging alcoholics and smokers don't get transplants either.


Good bad risk, tough your choice


So the state is willing to let her die even though she has an organ waiting for her to be transplanted because of a goddamned vaccine mandate?

Yes it would be a waste of an organ. She would be immunocompromised likely to catch covid 19 and die. If she was vaccinated her chance of catching it is less and her survival rate is much higher. Good on them.

@Budgie A human organ is a tremendous gift. It should not go to idiots.

@Budgie immunocompromised should not take experimental vaccines because the reactions are still unknown. Sorry but a person that is set to receive an organ should not be denied a transplant over an arbitrary edict. Besides, you are less than 1% to die from COVID

@BufftonBeotch by your definition, idiot is someone who you disagree with. You are totally unhinged. I would say that you might be on the rag but you are always this way. Thank goodness that people like you do not wield power

@Heavykevy1985 She is not currently immunocompromised and so can be vaccinated. After the transplant she will be as she will have to take immuno suppressors to prevent rejection of the new kidney.

@Heavykevy1985 You really have a disgusting way of talking to people. That comment is totally uncalled for and crude.

@Budgie He is always like that.
And he is also disturbingly unimaginative in his insults. He just verbally vomits back the decades old pablum he's been digesting. "On the rag" "Sweetie"
He's pathetic.

@Budgie but she could potentially be receiving a new organ. Again, people like you are authoritarian cuntrags who have swallowed the propaganda from the media and shithead bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci. I think it is extraordinarily cruel that you would be willing for someone to die because YOU think that you have the authority to decide what someone decides to do with their body. That is unconscionable.

@BufftonBeotch don’t hurt yourself sweetie cracking open that thesaurus. Aren’t you supposed to be making someone a sandwich?

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