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Good Morning, it is interesting, as in "may you live in interesting times," living in the bible belt and not being a believer. How many assume you worship satan if you do not worship god.

KDrake 5 Apr 21

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For most of my life when asked what religion I was I would routinely answer, “delicatessen”. Now that I’m vegan I guess I need a new religion🙂 I’ll perhaos change my answer to “framers market”. Nobody has yet assumed my answer meant Satin, at least not to my face.


Jim Jeffries (Australian comedian) said something like. As far as I am aware, satan has not written a book. We don't know his side of the story. Satin is just taking the moral highground. He is being the better person.

Piranha Press : Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children came out with a great version of Satan's story. I think it's called Sympathy for the Devil... but I might be wrong.
It tells the story from his perspective; just an average guy (albeit a fallen angel) trying to make the most with his lot in life.
It might have been a turning point for me. Question everything and get both sides. (Not that I took this comic literally, just made me think.)


I live in a small town in the middle of the bible belt and I always hear the same thing when I say that I’m atheist....”you will go to hell if you don’t believe in God.” Duh, if I don’t believe in Heaven, I certainly don’t believe in Hell!

Hades awaits them in the Underworld...


All the time. "I'm so sorry Satan has pulled you from the light" um no Cheryl you did.


I live in the Bible belt too... And it's alarming what people expect when you confide in them that you aren't a believer along with them...

"How can you believe in nothing?", "I didn't evolve from a monkey!"

They're indoctrinated to believe that, if you don't believe in their God, you must be worshipping Satan... Because, what else could it be???!

I don't come out about it too often socially. It's just easier that way.


Well they truly don't understand not believing in some magical power... It's so weird.

@FlowerGirl it's not necessarily a lack 9f intelligence, it's more laziness. I know many extremely intelligent people who have that belief. They were taught to never question that aspect of life, and they don't use their intelligence with religion for that reason.


All this makes me so happy I don't live in the American mid west. You poor bastards.


As a Fundamentalist I was taught that you are either with god or following Satan wether you know it or even intend to. I can not say how many Christians hold this belief or how much it is taught. I learned it form a mainstream Church that was extremist. The First United Methodist Church. I do not know that all Methodist or Wesleyans hold this belief.


Hopefully in 200 years religion will be something crazy people are involved in. They will be considered cults by sane America. I did live in NC for 25 years and I try and explain science and facts as opposed to religion to evangelicals and it's like talking to obstinate children. They believe they must donate their money to people like Billy and now Franklin Graham if they want to go to heaven. These preachers tell their people who to vote for because they want to keep being tax free churches. Scammers in the name of god would definitely be going to hell if there was a hell.

Worked at Rent-a-Center for a while. We openly discussed the fact that if someone put that they were a preacher we would never see the furniture again and most likely no payments as being a con man was a prerequisite. It never failed.


I live in the bible belt and have been since 2000 - it's never come up. In addition back in the 80's I lived in the bible belt - never came up then either. The only thing I ever heard about was my yankee accent but in terms of my religious beliefs - I never asked anyone theirs and no one asked me mine.

I teach high school and students want to know about their teacher. I do not volunteer my beliefs, or lack thereof, but I will not lie if asked directly. It always leads to discussion and often to initial distressed reactions. However, I am clear from day one that I am there to teach them how to think, not what to think. Most students relate and react with me better afterwards because see they know I would not lie to them.

you're lucky


It's always frustrating the cliches that religious people hang on to. "evolution is just a theory" "without god, you have no moral absolute" "science has been wrong before".

They will not accept new information, no matter how it's presented. Like banging your head on a brick wall.

Not encountered it myself but next time they say " It`s just a theory " tell them " So is Ohms law but you wouldn't want your house re-wired by guys who went to the will of Allah school of electrical engineering "


I suppose using the nickname LucyFer doesn't help but it scares off most of the crazies


I've had occasion to disabuse a few people of that notion.
Then I ask where I can get fresh babies to marinate for dinner?

Hey Iv'e got a few extra! Dinner?

@Donotbelieve Soooo tender!!!

And juicy! And sustainable ?

@KKGator So not funny

@nvrnuff What's not funny?


Ive gotten this question many times before. I have replied something like this most times., The Supposed works of the Devil or Satan would not interest me at all, you cannot assume just cause one doesnt believe it a higher God that they are worshipping they're opposite, religious people take it so literally overboard

If you're inclined to answer this it would be appreciated - what are the circumstances behind this question coming up many times before? I live in the bible belt, aside from a brief reprieve I lived here back in the 80's, I am social, through my website (online retail) I talk to a ton of customers, I've met the parents of all the kids my kids associated with here in the bible belt and it's not come up once. How did this question become so frequent in your life?


Indeed I hope it’s a good morning wherever you happen to be friend. If you’re in the Bible Belt you should perhaps expect some pushback, but nothing too serious. If you’re in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, you’d be well advised to do anything you can to avoid leaving an impression that you’re a Satan worshipper. In those parts of the world people don’t joke around about stuff like that,


Here's the everlasting rub - neither am I good or bad. I'd give up my hair for some horns, and the horns for the hat I once wore. - Jethro Tull

Oh wow, Tull, I bow to you, m'lord


It's like living in Utah and not being a Mormon. You're a heathen, shunned and outcasted.


When I told my parents I was an atheist (over a decade ago), my dad made a comment about how I was one step closer to becoming a Satanist. Not sure if he still believes that.


Heard this before once or twice. I mostly keep my views to myself nowdays in a public context. Middle school was probably the last time I was regularly outspoken about my atheism. A few people liked to talk about how my parents eat babies and some other stuff..

MsAl Level 8 Apr 22, 2018

it's pathetic but at least you know where you stand with the devil if there was one.


In the secular west, I have not seen people assume that I worship Satan. Even saying this is weird, kind of like saying that I do not worship Voldemort.


A friend of mine reported being asked "Are you a Catholic, or are you an atheist?"

As an atheist, I don't see how I can worship something (Satan) I don't believe in.

Right?! The ignorance is rampant!


More than I care to deal with, for sure.


There's that church of the morning star for all of that Satan business.?

Emme Level 7 Apr 22, 2018

Well, Satan only killed 9 prople in the bible (all with the consent of god I think). God killed millions. Satan would have my vote.


I get asked, "why do you choose to worship Satan over God? I shake my head in empathy, that's a crazy amount of indoctrination. It would be a waste of breath on my part to explain. These are the same people who tell me that I know God exists, I'm choosing to ignore him so that I can continue to sin.

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