8 7

Hello darlin'. Nice to see you. It's been a long time...

MaryChristmas 7 Mar 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I'll take the EX back but only if I get to drown her in the pool, two birds - one stone. 😉

@MaryChristmas The reality of having to explain to my children, whom I haven't seen in 29 years since she disappeared with them, just why it would be a good thing for their mother to be six feet under, that would be an impediment. Bear in mind that this is a person who not only hired an arsonist to burn down our house and tried to frame me for it but when that failed also tried to put a contract on my head. I've been paying off the debts that she ran up through fraud for decades, so getting caught is not my concern but I value my children more than that risk.
People die all the time, we just tend to ignore that reality. Let's just say that there is probable cause, extreme cause.

@MaryChristmas There are degrees of horror, what is important is survival with dignity. If you have never been shot at in anger or stabbed in the same fashion, then it would be a little difficult to understand.
Clearly I am still alive and while I have killed living creatures I have never taken a human life, it's a very high bar.

@MaryChristmas We are all at the greatest threat from those who love us, perhaps that's why the spouse and close family are usually prime suspects in homicide cases, at least initially. It wasn't her first attempt.

@MaryChristmas The same here but for whatever reason I decided to marry and try and rescue a sociopathic person the first time around. When you are young, you think you can do anything, including changing another person but people don't really change unless they want to, if it's even possible.


I'd set a personal swimming speed record for sure.

Unity Level 8 Mar 22, 2022

The pool, def!!!!! No worse than any small pond, really, except (probably) no snapping turtles.......


Happy swimming

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 22, 2022

@MaryChristmas That and she's dead, but no love lost she was a nightmare


They have shots for that, I'll take the pool.


I've got protective swimwear and a full face snorkel, so if that was my only 2 choices, I'm going swimming!


swim in the pool. every time.

@MaryChristmas I'll take several if needed.


Ive done scuba in far worse than that... Its just algae

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