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SMH!! I guess we can say the stupidity of religion is global!

Normanbites 7 Apr 24

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I guess there will always be gullible people desperate to believe that mystical powers can be imbued in inanimate objects. Opportunists will alway be ready to reinforce that belief and reap benefits from it.

Betty Level 8 Apr 24, 2022

Well the mythical Jesus went down like a sinking ship then it is only right and correct that a bit of wood, presumably ( LOL what a joke) from the Jeebus cross would want to take a warship down with it.


Religion IS a global pandemic like COVID for stupid people. The symptoms are:

  • Belief in the absurd
  • Cultish worship of a magical deity
  • Rejection of science and facts
  • Seeing truth where there is only bullshit

If you have one or more of these symptoms you could be infected with religion. Get yourself to the nearest heathen organization and think critically about it until you start to see reason.


It is global and goes way back. Constantine's mother was a Christian convert and she gave her son nails from "the true cross" that he could have with him in battle. This would protect him,she said. I wonder how many nails Jesus and his cross had? Wood or nails, i do not see much difference for the gullible.

It follows logically that god has a hard time in wars because he is supposed to be with both sides. I imagine football drives him wild also.


Always has been I reckon…


I find it interesting that it didn't occur to you that was the case until you read the article.

I was under the impression that Russians were not particularly Religious .... wrong!!

@Normanbites Wow. Where did you ever get that idea? If it's the whole "Communists are atheists" thing, there haven't been communists in Russia since 1990, and when the Soviet Union dissolved that year, there was a tidal wave of religiosity.

The other power player in Putin's Russia is Kiril, the head of the Russian Orthodox church.

Seriously, may I have the nickel tour of the cave you've been living in?

@Toonman Well because of the spike in real estate prices, the cave is for sale. I'll see that you are invited to the next open house. 😀


It always has been.
This is not new information.

Spot on

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