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She shot a TEEN in the FACE. Poor child will be disfigured forever.

I wonder if the woman was coming from church. πŸ™„

Georgia woman in custody after shooting in face during road rage incident


It gets worse. The shooter had small children (ages 4–6) in the car with her who witnessed this terrifying attack!

Woman with 3 in car charged in road-rage shooting that injured

Apunzelle 7 May 2

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I admit I have quite a temper about assholes on the road, but these days, when so many people are carrying guns and you have no idea who is and isn't among your fellow motorists, I am now very reluctant to express my anger towards other drivers. First, because I have no gun of my own in the car, and second, because even if I did, I am not willing to shoot it out with someone over their asshole driving behavior. Life is just too damned short and not worth the risk of a lethal duel.


She went for a manicure afterward.


She should also be charged with attempted murder.


Putting guns in the hands of dangerous mental defectives surely is The American Way.


And in the US people are still happy for the population to have guns.

Of course they are, after al The American Way is it not.
As we are told endlessly, their nation was born on the idea of a British soldier behind every briar bush, hence the War of Independence, then they had those nasty native Indians armed to the teeth with modern weapons to contend with, then the Mexicans and Spanish, then they had to contend with each other in the Civil War and their list of getting in to conflicts BECAUSE they are CONFLICTS just keeps on and on.


Nothing here says what started the violence. Road rage over what? Media does not say.

I think it’s a breaking story.

Looks like more facts are trickling out.


No matter WHAT was the cause of the Road Rage why is it that I sense that in your mind and opinion there therefore must have been another causative factor as well?
Mayhap my Evangelfool neighbour should be extremely thankful that we are in a CIVILIZED country like Australia because, as it seems here, in the U.S. chances are either one those living in this town may well have given a .45 calibre enema or he could have done the same.
Just out of sheer curiosity here, Do Mormons and Jehovah's Witness wear bullet proof vest when they go door knocking the U.S.?
If they really solely upon the protection of Jeebus and Sky Daddy their levels of both their faith and stupidity must astronomically high.


Prison time for this bitch

Too soft, too easy imo, sounds to me like she is more than likely to end up becoming Queen Dike of the entire prison, though there would, probably , need to be a great number of " slipping on Soap is showers "accidents" occurring along the way as she climbed the ladder of course.


I wonder how a good guy with a gun would have stopped this bad gal with a gun. Question for Wayne LaPierre.

He would argue that the victim needed to be armed.πŸ‘€

@Buck Follow up questions: how would the driver who got shot having a gun have prevented the other driver from shooting her? Wouldn't she have to shoot first then? Wouldn't that make her the aggressor? Should we all go around shooting at everyone whose driving does not live up to our standards? Or everyone who looks sideways at us? Where does it all end Wayne, you fucking dickhead?

@Flyingsaucesir Your point is spot on. The viewpoint of Wayne LaPiere leads only to the logical conclusion of a return to the Wild West, where everyone is armed and shoots first and asks ?s later. It is a lawless society with an unacceptable amount of carnage and no chance for the courts to be able to keep up with the constant violence that would be happening. I think few reasonable, sane people would want to return to that kind of anarchy. In such a society, there would be no protections for the weak and the meek, only the strongest and most viscious would be allowed any comfort or advantage.

Just pointing out what has been their go to argument, don’t shoot the messenger please….πŸ™ƒ

@Buck Oh no, don't worry, you're alright amigo πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

I was mugged once some time ago. When I told my brother about this, he said I should have had a gun, and then I could have protected myself. The problem with this is that if I want to harm you all I have to do is surprise you and I win, I hit you on the head hard and you fall to the ground, hurt. Had I had a gun in my case the person who mugged me would now have it.

@dalefvictor I think you see the problem pretty clearly.

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