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Islam isn't a religion because this is a Tererism.according to Quran 9:5...Ban the Islam from all non muslim contrys...

Advin 3 June 29

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But Wait! If you're determined to be a hater/racist, maybe you could base it on some facts and not BS? Just a thought.......


I have a simple question.... What in the name of fuck is a "tererism?"


Famous personalities need to speak calmly and respectfully about other cultures or religions.


I believe that Islam cannot be called terrorism.
In fact, nowhere in the Quran do you find a paragraph about killing people or the 70 virgins in paradise. These are all theses from strange Muslim sects, not a canon. I have a Muslim friend. He knows I'm agnostic, but he still shares some thoughts and discusses some Muslim stuff. He even sends me some Arabic verses from the Quran that sound truly beautiful. I love it. I've even started using the Arabic Quran phrase guide online at It's always in browser bookmarks on my phone since I want to understand my friend's culture.


I'm wondering if you understand the English term agnostic.

Not a chance in Hell.......


One intelligent Muslim person told me that 'Islamic Scholars update/modernise Islam all the time. Most non-Muslims just refuse to learn about Islam to know this'.

People like you who hate Islam on a superficial level are probably misinformed or brainwashed by those who have political agendas and want to spread hate.

Ryo1 Level 8 June 29, 2022

एक बुद्धिमान मुस्लिम व्यक्ति ने मुझसे कहा कि 'इस्लामी विद्वान हर समय इस्लाम को अद्यतन/आधुनिक बनाते हैं। अधिकांश गैर-मुसलमान यह जानने के लिए इस्लाम के बारे में जानने से इनकार करते हैं।

आप जैसे लोग जो सतही स्तर पर इस्लाम से नफरत करते हैं, उन्हें शायद गलत सूचना दी जाती है या उनका ब्रेनवॉश किया जाता है, जिनके पास राजनीतिक एजेंडा है और नफरत फैलाना चाहते हैं।

@David_Cooper There is nothing wrong with 'modifying' the interpretation of religious scriptures. Christians have been doing it all the time, hence many denominations.
In 2012 in Morroco, the High Religious Committee consisting of highly renowned scholars ruled that apostates should not be killed. In thier understanding (and they know the Qur'an inside out), punishing apostates by death is for political purposes.

@David_Cooper We have gay Mulsims (not to mention gay Christians) in the UK, and they are not hiding. How is that possible? Surely, they have managed to reconcile with the Qur'an. It is ofen non-Muslims who are adamant that Islam (and other old religions) is not compatible with modernity. I find that it is a strange mindset held by non-believers.
I'm a non-believer and no matter how much I wish, it is simply impossible to eliminate religions from this planet. Some religions may disappear by themselves but new ones will be formed. Therefore, all I can hope for is that the existing religions will change with the times so as to become more in line with the 21st centry civilisation.




What motivates you to attack these people? And why here?


You will find that trying to demonize Any religion based on the words of a book, or some "expert" is utterly easy, but pretty stupid
Please return to your mother's basement and cancel your WiFi service.

Easy, lady. He is only 19.

@Ryo1 he got exactly what he asked for! Trying to disseminate hatred, AS IF we need any more of that!
And may I remind you of the average age of these "on a mission" mass shooters?!? "Only 19" is Zero excuse!

@AnneWimsey "may I remind you of the average age of these "on a mission" mass shooters?!?"
Only in America, yes.

@Ryo1 and where else, exactly? Australia, maybe?


If we're going to be allowed to ban religions, the first one I'd give the heave-ho to is christianity, and islam is a really close second.
However, banning religion of any kind is a violation of the US Constitution.
I have no respect for any religion, but because it's the law, I tolerate their existence.

As much as I detest religion, in all its forms, many people are going to continue to believe in whichever gods they choose.
In this country, they have an absolute right to do that.

Unfortunately, far too many countries around the world have allowed religion to influence public policy.
That's what needs to stop.
Although, given the current climate, that isn't likely to happen anywhere.


You spelled Qur'an right. Sort of.

barjoe Level 9 June 29, 2022

Please learn English, or get a spell checker if that's beyond you, before posting.

Gareth Level 7 June 29, 2022

It appears he is working on learning English. How about you work on not being rude?! 🤷🏻♂️

@Buck You do not see an obvious troll pretending to be Middle Eastern?

I am not approving of banning a religion so long as it is not imposed on me.

The 6 religious wackos on our SCOTUS are doing that.

@BufftonBeotch The language is Hindi, and if the poster hates Islam, he is probably a Modi supporter.

@Buck This is typical. Native English speakers often expect, if not demand, non-native speakers to communicate in English. They instantly put themselves in a superior position. A bad habit.

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