Joe Biden’s presidency has been a disaster but I’m thankful for the conservative US Supreme Court.
I truly hope your granddaughters get pregnant with a malformed fetus, you nasty cretin.
The Washington Times is owned & operated by the cult The Moonies founded by a Korean charlatan.
It’s a lot better than left wing publications like CNN (communist news network) and MSNBC. Hell most of the main stream media is left biased.
Says you. []
At any point in U.S. history, whenever a group of people are demanding equality, social justice, equal rights... almost every single time its conservatives who are standing in the way. Time and time again conservatives are on the wrong side of history.
The libtard Democraps are the ones who caused this disaster so what are you talking about!
@Trajan61 No, the Supreme Court threw out Roe v Wade not the Democrats. It was the Supreme Court who ultimately allowed public school staff to essentially force children to take part in Christian prayers, not the Democrats.
The one small foothold sanity still has in Washington.
No doubt about that!