One tiny bright spot re: the hard-core religious strict-constructionists: it appears to me that they finally have made the leap from denying dinosaurs existed ("those fossils are a trap sent by Satan" ) to admitting they were a thing. A thing in the last 6,000 years, but still, a Thing......
I'm 76 and back when I was in my church daze I heard preachers saying form the pulpit that "dinosaur bones and skeletons were a trick of the Devil." They were not real. They were just put there by Satan to deceive you. Along with this were lectures by car dealers and show salesmen on how carbon dating was just wrong, wrong. They knew all about it. "Evilution" was also a trick. God and the 7 days did it all coz 7 is a magical number.
Will we ever really get away from this crap? It gets sad when people like this run for office an win.
Uh, that is not progress if they think the Earth is only 6,000 years old. That's knuckle-dragging, backward, flabby thinking. That's intellectual malpractice. That's pathetic.
This was humor, duuuuhhhhhh
@AnneWimsey Am I being too serious? Sorry. Occupational hazard.
Satan went around and buried Dragan bones, just to have a laugh at scientists.
You’re kidding of course, but there are Christians who really believe that.
@NostraDumbass As a kid, I remember that was what they said. We had one kid who had to go to a different classroom when we were studying dinosaurs - I think that was 5th grade. Even Elmer, our Amish kid, stayed in class.
More or less on the same page for religion. it's just nationism is worse , even Richard Dawkins agrees with me.
when I was a Mormon Stake Missionary, that was the approved answer we were supposed to give to investigators who asked...
Satan, his shovel and his bag of fake bones, spreading lies since 4000 BC