Worst drought in 500 years could be coming--or is here: the ancients experienced them, too:
Aside from the climate denying, American agriculture has been on a path to failure for decades. I've been wondering since the 80s when reservoir levels out west first started dropping, why on earth there are insanely huge cotton and veg farms that require oceans of irrigation in Arizona and California , and the traditional places those things used to grow , without irrigation in the south east are using those old abandoned farms for giant lawns that need to be mowed with a bush hog. You quite literally can't stop things from growing.
Very short sighted policies in the 30s on encouraged larger and larger corporate farms out west, but with the sheer volume of people there now, that model is not sustainable.
Farming is going to have to move back where things actually grow, and who knows about the regular water but the extremely large reservoir lake I live near in the Ozarks has been low the last two years. It normally seriously overflows in spring. It never even got up to ' normal' this year
It certainly is here...my 30++-year old forsythias (one of the toughest plants on earth, used by highway landscapers because "plant it & forget it" ) are wilted....never ever has this happened before!
And no rain in the forecast......
In western NY we haven't had rain in weeks and there's none in the forecast. It's very unusual.
Alarming ... I hope Europeans take it seriously as opposed to America's stupid group.
Spain ( a food exporter)
has see 10_-15years of drought . . .
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