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In a city park in the middle of a large urban area of Dallas, we have two bald eagles nesting. Named Nick and Nora they have been there several years. A severe storm in 2021 destroyed their nest and they left, but have since returned. These are not my photos, but I have seen them.

Sierra4 8 Oct 11

Enjoy being online again!

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There have been a few nesting bald eagles plus increasing numbers of other birds of prey in Chicagoland. There was a pair nesting in a tree on the Little Calumet River in Gary Indiana. I've seen one flying over my neighborhood in Hammond Indiana a few times.


I love that they are named for “The Thin Man” characters, Nick and Nora Charles.


Beautiful and magnificent birds! How wonderful that they returned. 😉


rebuilding shows resilience


Eagles are majestic birds.


White Rock Lake is quite a relief in Dallas, It very easily could have fallen to the developers,but hanks to conservation efforts by many groups retains a small wilderness area along with the park and lake.

That’s so wonderful Glenn! Glad to hear news like this! 😍

@glennlab @Redheadedgammy @Sierra4 Hopefully if and when I'm able to go back to visit Dallas, maybe I'll have time to go see them!

@MichelleGar1 Just remember whenever you want to come to Dallas again, Betsy said you’re welcome to stay at her place. 😘 I can tell you she is the best hostess ever!!

@Redheadedgammy I forgot about that, thank you for reminding me!


Beautiful birds.


A great American comeback story.

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