3 11

Oh god, It's my ex- ...

snytiger6 9 Nov 18

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Trumpty is soon to become their ex and he will continue to show his ass.


On the Republican balance sheet Trumpty Dumpty is now listed in the column marked "liabilities."

It only took six years, an insurrection, two impeachments, and many criminal and civil litigations against him, for them to dump him..

@TomMcGiverin And yet they haven't really dumped him yet. The base still loves him. 😳

I am afraid that he is going to be able to use the appointment of the special counsel as a rallying point for the base.

@MyTVC15 Of course! That's the whole point of announcing now (2 years ahead of the next election!). It won't do him much good though. He's in really deep shit.

@Flyingsaucesir I will believe it when I see it. So, strange sighting of the day: I saw a car with a (Vermont) license plate that said "T-R-U-M-P". It was not a handicap plate, and yet the car was parked in a handicap parking spot. If the plate had not said "T-R-U-M-P" I would not have checked to see in there a placard on the rearview mirror. There was not.

@MyTVC15 Trump IS a handicap! 😂

@Flyingsaucesir He certainly is disabled (and disabling).

@MyTVC15 2 years on, how about now? Are you seeing it?

@Flyingsaucesir I have renewed hope now, but until Harris is sworn in, I do not think this is over. Trump really has not been campaigning, but he has been setting up election deniers on election boards in several battleground states and I think that when they call the election for Harris, there will be a lot of law suits to get through and possibly some violence. So, no, I'm not seeing it yet.

@MyTVC15 Me too. I'm cautiously optimistic.


Link? Pic?

Oops. I added the intended meme.

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