I have absolutely no interest in American politics what so ever. But i do have a question that I hope someone an answer me truthfully.
I have been seeing video's and pictures of Mr Biden. This is the man who holds the key to the nuclear arsenal which could start WWIII. He holds the fate of civilisation in his hands.
You cannot escape photos of this man in any form of media, so I am surprised to notice his earlobes change constantly.
In School I was taught that earlobes are a genetic factor. Some have earlobes that are long and hang down and the other type are shorter and rounded at the bottom.
Your Mister Biden's earlobes change often! At first I thought I was imagining things, this could not be real, so I carefully compared as many pictures I could find in a lot of different sources and found that his earlobes do in fact change. Other facial features I found were ever so slightly different, but I conclude that it may be due to the way different photo angles , lighting etc etc.
Yet his earlobes are definitely not constant as one would expect.
So I ask WHO THE ** IS IT that has their finger on the nuclear missiles??
Which Mr Biden has that power?
Wow, i thought only Americans formed/held conspiracy theories about American topics, but here you are.......
Well conspiracy theory implies the theorists possess the ability to think and evaluate events and form an opinion.
Today. Anyone with a different way of interpreting events, not sanctioned by official narrative, is a conspiracy theorist.
Yet looking at human history, most of our innovators, movers and shakers all went against the official narrative and solved the problem/ issue of their time. These people were and are thinkers above all.
It is a shame that in our modern society thinking is becoming more and more a crime.
@vocaloldfart They all laughed at Bozo the Clown. Ear lobes? Really?
@Scott321 Yeah, you know how when the shadow government that really pulls all the strings creates their doppelgangers of world leaders, their selected person goes through extensive plastic surgery to look exactly like the world leader, but they forget to fix the ear lobes?
Remember the good ol' days when you lived at your mom's house, didn't have a job, and had all the time in the world to be fooled like an idiot by conspiracy theories?
Pre Columbus I guess
Everyone knew the earth was flat, he was touted as being idiot saying otherwise.
Going back even Greeks complained of idiots idiots. It is part of the human condition.
I define the idiots as being those that obey, are terrified of innovation never question or think for themselves....the classic sheeple
@vocaloldfart I know I certainly include in the collection of the world's greatest minds those that get fooled by a conspiracy theory from the morons at 4Chan.
Australis seems to have an unusually large percentage of insane/delusional people. Maybe because the population is descended from criminals.
You can join the site's other Ozzy nuts.
Very true Australia was Britains prison and dumping ground. Since then Australia has had the same immigration from the same nations and cultures as in America. So the insane/ delusional people are the same in both countries based on origins and even family ties.
besides it is well documented that Australia is Americas deputy sheriff, perhaps it is prudent to look to the organ grinder not the monkey at the end of the chain??? hmmm?
We exported the insane delusional criminals to America where they have shown in your courts of their ilk, yet you embrace them and eagerly consume their web of deceit and lies. These ex Aussie nuts feed you your news.
Keep them where they are.
Australia has matured beyond these relics of a terrible past.
Sadly they still govern our news sources nationally as well. That is our scourge and burden for having fathered such filth.
Where did you find these illustrations? They do well illustrate the very thing I am talking about.
These pictures all seem to be taken recently.
Seems Biden does have yo yo earlobes.
He could be using doubles for security reasons.
could well be. I have seen( unverified ) articles that Biden has dementia and a double takes his place on occasions. So far things have been going well. I am hoping things will stay that way .