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Steve Kirsch During PA State Senate Hearing : “We Can’t Find an Autistic Kid Who Was Unvaccinated” Within Amish Community (VIDEO)
Kirsch further noted that the Amish community did not follow the CDC’s guidelines for handling the COVID-19 pandemic, such as lockdowns, masking, and social distancing, nor did they get vaccinated. Despite this, the Amish community’s death rate was 90 times lower than the infection fatality rate of the broader U.S. population.


1patriot 8 Sep 27

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To date, @1patriot has submitted 341posts on's general page (open to all members). The content of the 341 posts ranges from inane to insane conspiracy theories, misinformation and disinformation. All together, the 341 posts have garnered a whopping 121 likes. That's approximately 0.35 likes per post. The people have spoken! 😂😂😂


From what I have read, there the claim that the Amish don't have cases of autism is false.

However, I have also read that autism is linked to artificial food additives such as aspartane, which isn't generally in the Amish diet. So, lower incidents of autism are likely due more to a more natural diet that lacks artificial chemical additives to their food and has nothing at all to do with vaccines. I should point out that the studies looked at teh diets of mothers who gave birth to autistic children, and the mother's diet likely influenced how the fetus developed in the womb.

those are question that should be covered in a peer review because right now it's being studied by few on either side.....


Any supposed link between autism and vaccination has been thoroughly debunked.


The excess death rate among Amish during the COVID-19 pandemic was equal to that of the broader US population.


Steve Kirsch is a known purveyor of misinformation/disinformation


Any supposed link between autism and vaccination has been thoroughly debunked. you have there peer review on that or just the mayo clinic speaking just as many on one side as the other. the USA has not released there finding on the Amish why have they not.
Vaccines do not cause autism. A small study in 1998 suggested a link between vaccinations and autism spectrum disorder. The study was reviewed further and retracted. In addition, the author's medical license was revoked due to falsified information. so it hasn't been peer reviewed it's just deciding not to study it....why! you must know germ theory is not settled yet. in the 1972 at our school
they were giving out the polio vaccine it was small pink dot that you drank from a white spoon. our family doctor at the time told my mother to not give this to my brother as he has bad allergies, 6 moths late our family doctor asked for him to come in to be tested and the family doctor said yes he had the polio virus and his body fought it off he should have immunity for life.
the link i posted was Steve Kirsch speaking to Pennsylvania State Senate. do you feel this should not be studied? if you look at the bottom of this post " For those intrigued or new to this issue, here's The Control Group Data, as presented by Dr. Paul Thomas." i believe this needs to be peer reviewed are you against this? i posted his reviewed here []

A CDC whistleblower recently admitted that he was forced to withhold vital information from the CDC’s findings on autism.

CDC Whistleblower admits that the MMR causes autism

@1patriot You lose. Get over it.

Why can't anyone explain how these 14 kids died after getting vaccinated?
On July 16, 2021, the CDC looked into the deaths of 14 kids in VAERS who died after vaccination. Their deaths are still unexplained to this day. If it wasn't the vaccine, what killed those kids?

Excess death rate among Amish during the COVID-19 pandemic was roughly equal to that of the broader US population.
none of this proven it just they decide to not address it because of the religious side of the deaths....the only ones that may have studied it is the US government and they ain't telling any one, any thing so this is inconclusive in IMHO

@Flyingsaucesir you loss you show me your peer review but i know you can't so you will need to get over it once again you have failed.... that's all i ask......


Can't say I'm surprised. It was all a money making scam put together by big pharma, Fauci and China. 😣😒

yes there's quite a few in on it and even the US government with the help of the deep state working in tandem...

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