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Hello Folks, Its been awhile since I was last on here. I didn't think of this site as a possible way to meet nice women and have interesting conversations with other like minded individuals. So heres a thought. I am a T-Shirt nut, I'm a Chicagoan whose living in the South. I grew up actually believing in THOR lol, I know thats weird, but once I found out my heritage is from Norway. I got really sucked into Norse mythology. Anyway I digress, when shopping for t-shirts at my local Target or Walmart hell, I've notice something and i'd like anyones input if you've thought about it rationally before now. They sell all of the other Super-hero T-Shirts, with the exception of the Thunder-God THOR. ?!?
Why is that you think ? They sell all the rest but not Thor. I think its because this is the South and the mere Idea of another GOD thats not their GOD ruffles their feathers !

Michael1965 3 May 4

Enjoy being online again!

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You can get them in the could order online? []


Gives me a Thor head just thinking about it ?


Hmmmm do they have Zeus or Uranus? Maybe it does have something to do with mythology and god.

TEEHEEHEE......You said Uranus. ?

@Sticks48 I did indeed. I just pronounce it with a short a. Unless we are talking about the pseudo pres

@AmelieMatisse Recently had a thing where we traveled to planets via points. I was stuck at uranus for a while. Had a lot of immature fun with that

@SherryMartin as you should Sherry, as you should

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