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Zionism and the Creation of Israel
They want you to pick a side and kill each other but we can always choose peace and learn to love our neighbors
The word “Israel” was first presented in the Bible as a name given to Jacob after he fought an angel. Its meaning was a man who has struggled with God. And is commonly translated as “God Prevails” or “Man seeing God”. Many have argued that the word Israel in the Bible does not refer to a place, but rather a believer or a group of believers in God.

Others believe the land known as Palestine was where the Biblical state of Israel once stood. And in the 17th century, Sabbatai Zevi was the first Jew to try and re-settle there.

1patriot 8 Oct 17

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when did god get a real estate license ? god has no legal authority to say who owns land

Leetx Level 7 Oct 18, 2023

yea i think your right, but it's all smoke and mirrors.... the khazarian mafia wants war and will not stop they tried Ukraine war now will they be successful at dragging a bunch countries into war in the middle to try a holy war!

@1patriot I agree. got to keep finding a boogie man to keep the Military Industrial complex making weapons to make rich people richer.

@Leetx we know who the lower scum are we just need them higher up the ladder like the rothschild banking cartel


"They want you to pick a side..."

Who are "they?"

i have post it three time because i knew you wouldn't understand who they are....and if you don't know now i ain't going to tell you..... your news ain't going to tell you either....

Chris Sky explains this quite well..... who they are!


@1patriot you sure as hell have no idea, you just like sounding "in the know"....good luck with that!!!!!!

@AnneWimsey well i guess you know so lets hear your knowledge...... cause all i hear from you crying and complaining..... time to reply with your knowledge

@AnneWimsey When ivermectin and fenbendazole are taken together, they deliver a powerful blow to cancer. Combining them with other anti-cancer nutrients such as quercetin, vitamins C and D, and curcumin further enhances their effects. Preclinical studies have demonstrated the cytotoxic effects of both ivermectin and fenbendazole on cancer cells, effectively inhibiting tumor growth and metastasis.


Hey bra, you posted your link in triplicate. How about deleting two copies?

how about fucking off! like a flying saucer lol

@1patriot Anybody ever tell you that you are truly charming and endearing? What's that? No? I wonder why not. Hmmm 😂

@Flyingsaucesir i am loved by many....and the ones that don't i don't care about. i can be nice to those who are nice and rude to those who are rude to me..... you should know the program as you likely have the rules.....

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