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From Twitter : Christians do not read the bible : A rebuff.

The Bible Quiz Challenge @OfficialBQC • Jul 30
Replying to @randy_01970 and @PastorJohnHagee
Christians don't READ the Bible. We study. It is in the place of study
that truth is known. There is no Christian who will study the word of
God for himself and turn an atheist. Its the only way he won't be tossed
to & fro by any wind of doctrine. Are you being tossed my friend?

Mcfluwster 7 Oct 20

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Hell most christians can barely read Dick & Jane, so the Buybull is a bit of a reach for them…..😇


For quite a few centuries the Catholic Church forbade it.....i just can't think why.


Why read, when they have preachers who will recite passages that tell them what they want to hear.

First he recites, then he follows up with the all important “interpretation”…..🤠


Study? Scholars study. They read a text with a critical eye. Religious acolytes, they fall down a rabbit hole.


I have red the bible cover to cover and if more people did it would put them off religion for life.

I got a hold of a very big bible when I was around 10 years old. I did not read it cover to cover, I did read geneis (not an easy read) and the gospels. By the time I was 15 I was an athesis.

@MyTVC15 It took me much longer to become atheist but bible study is what did the job. A good study of what our bible is and how and when it became the book it is today would turn anyone away from Christianity. All religions are manmade.

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