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Another one bites the dust! Trump co-conspirator Kenneth Chesebro joins Sydney Powell in pleading guilty. Both will get off lightly, serving no jail time. Such deals are only offered to those who flip...😂😂😂


Flyingsaucesir 8 Oct 20

Enjoy being online again!

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There was once a mob boss in NYC who got the RICO Act thrown at him, and over 200 of his soldiers. And when most of them flipped on him, he got exasperated, and flipped on them in return I'm waiting for Trumpy to try a manouver like that!


How many of these motherfuckers do we have to watch them let skate?

I understand your concern, but they are not exactly getting away scott free. They will probably both be disbarred. In addition to the fine, Powell will have to pay big bucks to Dominion Voting Systems, for her defamation of the company. And to get this deal, she will have to testify against Trump, which means her life may be at stake. She will probably have to live in hiding for the foreseeable future. It's not incarceration, but it's close. Cheese bro will probably face similar challenges. They're not skating.

@Flyingsaucesir Relying on vigilantism to hopefully increase their punishment to a level commensurate to their crimes seems wrong to me. These fucking treasonous assholes tried to end our democracy. This should be punishable by death. These motherfuckers aren't even doing one day behind bars. And I don't even believe in the death penalty, so if some crazed fucking idiot kills them before (or even after) they testify against Trump, I'll think they got off easy and caused the destruction of even more lives in the process.

@ChestRockfield Neither one of these asshats took the oath of office. They're little fish. And their lives will be ruined, if they aren't already. And if they help bring down the big fish, they serve a higher purpose. That's the way the system works. Is it perfect? Hell no.

@Flyingsaucesir I mean, if it results in Trump actually going to prison for the rest of his life, I would consider all these little fish getting away with their treason worthwhile. It's just that I still can't fathom that a possibility. My main concern now is how many little fish getting off scot-free (in comparison to the punishment they should get) do we need? The first one gets the best deal, right? Why aren't the punishments increasing? How many have gotten no prison time so far?

@ChestRockfield Trump will probably have a brain aneurysm before the judicial system is done with him 😂


Miserable asshats

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