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Lost all the people i was Following upon my new "reincarnation"....out looking for ya'll!!!

annewimsey1 7 Nov 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Speaking of which, was curious as to what prompted you to start following me (I understand this is an older post, and that you did so almost immediately after creating this account)? I have no objections in you doing so, just curious is all. You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I understand.

Being I don't often get as much time as I'd like to be active online, don't bother much with the following stuff, and those who interact on my posts are those I know who to reciprocate with. I'm known to do posts about all stuff Android, as other members could attest to, and I take it that played a part in your decision to follow me?

Again, just curious. While I could very well be wrong about this conclusion, have long suspected the following business on social media highly factors into developing cliquish circles. Once certain individuals attain a sizable social media following, certain views are laid-down and shared with those in said social circle(s), and once that happens pretty much no one within the circle dares to go against the "orthodoxy", and if anyone does buck their social media circle they risk "damaging" their online reputation. Just a passive observation there.

I do not give one rat's ass about cliques and such, other than Clearly remembering them making my life a living hell all through my school years.
I avoid FB.
I do Adore Android, however.

@annewimsey1 Good to know, and for what it's worth went through the same thing dealing with cliques when I was in school. Smart move, never bothered with platforms like Facebook before, and actually never was a big fan of social media to begin with.

Another smart choice, as Android is far better than Apple is, and allow for more customization.


you can use the browse function and just scroll through it stopping on posts from people you remember. You should be able to get back into all your old groups now.


Are you still not able to log into your old account?

I have given up on that, just too annoying!


Glad you're back.


Not sure where mine are, either?

When I see a name/handle i know i click on it, except for 2 or 3 losers and we all know who they are.

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