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I've noticed that there are many fellows (and gals) here describing or documenting life-crises.
Many seem to this oldster to be things an "adult" should be able to take in stride and deal with. So, this is a sincere question, not meant to belittle anyone:
What are the attributes and skills associated with a "Manly" man and/or a "Womanly" woman? I've my own definition.... but I want to hear yours.

bigpawbullets 9 May 4

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A manly man does not shave his chest or his back. He also has been vasectomized. He is not jealous of women because they can bleed for 5 days, once a month and not die.

A womanly woman knows how to take a perceived offensive joke & not turn it into a national crisis. Her back is straight & her right upper cut is teeth shattering. She can also spit a mean luggy.

We may be from the same tribe.


A manly man can open a jar of pickles and a womanly woman uses an opener


There are no specific attributes I tie to any gender.
Be you - whatever that is and however you do it as long as you aren't purposely hurting others.
Humanity will move past toxic masculinity and femininity as quaint notions of the past - just not soon enough.

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