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How many nested dreams are we in? I'm in a dream. You are part of it. You are what's called "background people".

Drank_Spear 7 Dec 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Get out of Jerusalem and go fight for your country!


And after all is said and done
Are you a memory of a dream
While thoughts original you have none
But after all is done and said
Are you but films you've seen
and quotes from books you've read?
And after you are gone and dead
Will you pity what you been
Bitter, little one who from life has fled?


Not sure if this will be good or bad news for you, but you aren't dreaming now Slim, lol. The "background noise" seemingly never ends...

who's you? The ego or the higher self? Which are you referring to?

@4thwiseman Your overall identity.


Are you talking about the movie Inception?

no, although there are theories that are along the same lines.


They don't pay Extras much, expect little.


I am in reality, it is the only one I have and when it is over, there is no waking up.

which reality?

@4thwiseman you need to adjust your meds if you don't know.

@glennlab you assume I'm on meds because you are. Thanks for sharing.

@4thwiseman No, I have jut been exposed to too many crazies that make no sense that finally level out once their meds are adjusted, see someone.

@glennlab if things make no sense to you that's your problem, not theirs. You don't understand this simple fact?


How are they nested?

what if your life right now is a dream? What if you go to sleep and dream?

@4thwiseman Even in a dream, you can have intellect, morals, and values. Decide if you are the good guy or the bad guy. Either way, you are responsible for your choices.

I can't tell where you're going or want to go with this. I do highly recommend consuming Calea Zachatechichi to make your dreams and reverie more detailed. I gained insight of how dream training illustrates the brains recreation of reality.

@Betty I agree

@racocn8 What is the difference between a simulation and a dream?

@4thwiseman A simulation has a predetermined plot and ending. Dreams are fluid, filled with your desires and fears.

@Betty Wow, you can define words. impressive!

It is all simulation or re-creation.

@4thwiseman I am sad for you. I hope you can find some happiness going forward. Good luck.

@4thwiseman It is a requirement.

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