2 7

Trump can't count to 6.... (The good part stars about 1 min 55 sec into the video...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Feb 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't have TV so I am wondering how much air time the mainstream media gave his New Hampshire speech and now this Vegas speech.
My internet seems to be mentioning Bidens' mental gaffs pretty well but not this pile of 💩 covered in bronzer.

If I had only a quarter for every time his name is mentioned on any network, I'd be a multi- millionaire. He doesn't have to campaign, it's being done for him. 😡


Such a sick, demented waste of humanity !!

Using the word "human" kind of freely, aincha?

@annewimsey500. My error, Anne !! 😄

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