3 2

and i am sure there a bunch here as they mean as hell and told me they were jabbed and that masks stopped a know we call them sheep.....atheist sheep lol maybe

1patriot 8 Feb 20

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Ummm, they never did, other than stopping visitors in nursing homes to protect frail residents, which in fact happens at least once a year around here when flu is raging, and has for decades.

well your in a different country that me da

@1patriot no doubt things are different in Latvia

@annewimsey500 []


I don't think they/we ever claimed it "stopped" covid. Just that being vaccinated reduced severity if you got infected, and masks helped reduce the spread of the virus.

It was mostly the misinterpretation by the right wing of what was said that claimed we said it "stopped" the virus, misquoting what we actually said, and as they had already decided what we said, they didn't ever listen to what was actually said.

Vaccinations and wearing masks were always voluntary. However, if a person wasn't vaccinated or refused to wear a mask, they might have been denied access to some public places and events. By choosing not to get vaccinated or to wear masks, they made their choice. That they were not happy with the consequences of their choice, which was to endanger public health, is just too bad. Public health is more important than their selfishness.

our premier apologize to the unvaccinated, we were ostracized unjust and fined for bullshit nothing. scroll to the bottom. you 3 bone heads would never agree with her! []


Who ever wanted people imprisoned for not wearing a mask or not being vaccinated? As far as I ever heard, NOBODY. Certainly not any government entity or healthcare professionals.

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