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Latest CDC data show that 95% of people recently hospitalized with COVID did not get the updated booster vaccination.


Flyingsaucesir 8 Mar 1

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Natural Selection is a wonderful thing and now that we no longer have Dire Wolves and Saber-toothed tigers to help out, we sure need something!!!!!

Maybe we need to think bigger about the number of Darwin awards that can be given out every year. 🤔

@Flyingsaucesir hopefully posthumously.


Covid has been the great test of who you can trust.

It certainly has revealed who is likely to trust very dubious sources, who can't tell fact from fiction, who prefers simplistic answers (i.e. conspiracy theories) to complicated questions.

@Flyingsaucesir and who is most likely to pass on a deadly virus to you.

@Switchcraft Good point ☝️


Good…the more of them that die, the better.


No vaccine never got sick. Fuckin propaganda

The stats are what they are. Being vaccinated is a really good way to keep SARS CoV-2 from putting you in the hospital. If you have been lucky so far, that's great. I hope your luck does not run out.

@Flyingsaucesir it's not luck, you're in a fucking cult

@Communistbitch Wow that's cool! I never knew! 😂

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