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Oh brother!!! 🙄🙄🙄🙄😂😂😂😂

michelle666gar 8 Mar 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Anyone carrying a firearm around like that here would get themselves arrested fast and the last asshole who tried that carrying an assault rifle found himself knocked down and held by customers in one of the local bars until the cops showed up to haul his dumbass off...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Not where I'm from! There was a motherfucker wearing military gear and had an assault rifle on him, walking around a high school near where I live. Parents called the police numerous times, only to be told he has every right to and they wouldn't react until something happens, this was just a year after we had a mass shooting here in a Walmart.

@michelle666gar Yeah and the last time the cops waited that long they just sat outside while kids were being murdered.... One reason I would never live in Texas...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Texass!!! It's so fucking sad!!!! Innocent children lose their lives because of some deranged asshole, wish those assholes would go to a military base and at least make it fun for the new recruits.

@michelle666gar Even the military doesn't allow open carry on a military installation....

I'm happy I live in Canada. We have our own problems but I am glad to say "that" is not one of them.


If I felt that unsafe going to the grocery store, I'd move.

@glennlab These people are that stupid! Have they ever stopped a mass shooting from happening or are they the ones who usually cause the mass shootings.

Same here

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