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Orange juice can help with high blood pressure.

Jolanta 9 Mar 17

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I am currently doing research on the effects of flavonoids and they do a lot of amazing things. I get the concern about sugar, but they can mitigate the underlying causes of diabetes II, Alzheimer's and a host of other conditions.


Buy some oranges. Squeeze the juice. Surprise. No added sugar.


This sounds great. However, for me, I know when I drink orange juice my blood sugar does go up. As Anne said in her comment. that is hardly healthy. I love the stuff but don't drink it often.

Maybe you should just eat the orange.

@Jolanta I do eat them from time to time, but have never been that crazy about oranges.


Even a very small amount of orange of orange juice can & will raise blood sugar by 40 points or more...hardly healthy!!!!
No doubt "research" funded by the Orange Growers Association.
On the other hand, if you ate a whole orange instead of a Snickers bar it would be the best of those 2 choices.

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