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It is my personal opinion that we will be in for worldwide terrorism.
I base this hypothesis on logic and psychology.
Hot war is eye watering expensive in lives, money and technology. We turn to the warriors to fight battles in geographical areas for political gain.
Yet we, the population of the globe, not directly affected, may have opinions of the war(s) but continue with their lives relatively unaffected and unconcerned.

Terrorism today with our communications is global. A terrorist act in any place on earth reverberates globally. Everyone is affected, people everywhere are never sure that the next attack may not be in their neighbourhood..
Terrorism is not confined to violent acts. Governments use it in their propaganda and cyberwarfare and"special ops" Re 9/11
There are no ground rules, laws or etiquette that terrorists must adhere too.
Terrorism is way cheaper economically and delivers a lot further reaching bang for the buck. People everywhere are ruled by fear.

Lets hope this remains an idea, an idle musing that never comes to paSS.

vocaloldfart 8 Apr 17

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IMO most people, and especially those with families (pretty much everybody, yes?) Greatly Prefer a stable environment (you know, schools, supermarkets, electricity and water, garbage removal)....that's why terrorists have to tiptoe around.

We never know who the terrorist are and whee and when they are going to strike..
In Australia we have a controversy in regard to mass stabbings in Sydney recently. One mass stabbing was declared an act of terrorism because it happened in a church, yet the other mass stabbing targeted mainly women was not declared as terrorism.
I contend that the definitions of terrorism need a world wide overhaul to any action that causes mass fear and causalities. In my opinion, terrorism should not be confined to political motives, but also health and religious grounds.


Would you explain in more detail what you are seeking to convey in the excerpt?

"Terrorism is not confined to violent acts. Governments use it in their propaganda and cyberwarfare and"special ops" Re 9/11"

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