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Trying again to post my disgust with Big Pharma and "being on a program" all for the sake of your precious health. I wish my grandfather could have known this stuff. He was never on a program, had cancer once, and we suspected he had lung cancer when he died. They did an autopsy and he had a busted blood vessel in his brain. Don't you know that Big Pharma will claim they could have prevented this. All you have to do is be in fear and take their medicine. Like my docs new nurse told me, she was going to put me on some more modern drugs. The translation is that I am not paying Big Pharma enough. Surprise! I have recently stopped taking statin drugs. Goodbye Lipitor (atorvastatin) goodbye. my rebellion was like "oh, hell no" and I let them and the pharmacy know that it is I who am in control of my health.

Let me start with the taking of your blood pressure. Nobody cares to explain this to you in any real sense. In 1980 my blood pressure was said to be that of a teenager. It was 140 over 80 at the time, then Big Pharma stepped in. Through drugs we can make it lower. OK, so what? This measurement is not a constant anyway. I recommend viewing on the Internet all about taking a blood pressure measurement. Nobody cares because they simply throw that cuff around you. The measurement will be high anyway unless you yourself get a little smarter. I have a machine for this at home and stores have a machine that I can barely get my arm into, but it doesn't matter. I got smarter. Recently my pressure was 128 over 84. Big deal. This means the lower figure is 4 points higher than accepted for my age. Oh, they want 128 over 67. Do people in hell want ice cream? Were you walking around before you took the reading? Your blood pressure is a guideline and not a constant. My docs new nurse asks me "what is your blood pressure when you take it daily at home with your machine." There it is. Please scare me up. Why would I be doing this? You cannot just get in quickly to see your doctor and I see no emergency here.

I used to work with a man who is extreme right wing and has a device attached to him that he reads with his phone. He is type 2 diabetic like me.This device is so he will know if it is safe to eat that twinkie or not, but he doesn't want any of that woke crap. I suspect he is pretty woke to have this device. I don't want one and will eat the twinkie if I want to. As for my phone, I do not sleep with it and often leave it in another room while at home. Google does not need to control me either.

But I often wonder if my grandfather's busted blood vessel in the brain could have been prevented. Grandma died as a result of a stroke but they will tell you this too could have been prevented. Oh, Jesus. I try to remain practical but please do not scare me up.

DenoPenno 9 May 14

Enjoy being online again!

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This rotten industry and big food will eventually play a large part in destroying humankind. It’s now unfortunately inevitable. May take some time, no doubt, but the seeds have been sown at this point.


I find it very prudent to google any prescribed drugs for their contras. You will be amazed with what you find , even for the most innocuous of drugs. Beware, Be aware


Allopathic medicine is treatment by poison. Not a healthcare system.
It was never designed to cure anything just cover up some symptoms.
It is the financial arm of pharma.
Until the 1920's they had a system we now know as "functional Medicine" They treated the person with herbs, nutrition and therapies, using the latest available knowledge. It was based n the medical system of native peoples of all continents and cultures and islands, and it worked mostly. Remarkedly the systems are all very similar but the herbs used were different.

Poisons including vaccines do not work and create more problems and dependencies.
I have found from years of experience that blood pressure is a useless tool to predict any condition, yet very much favoured by the poison peddlers.
B.P can be influenced by stress, altitude above sea level, activity, metabolism and a range of other factors.
Until we stop adding chemicals to our food, air, water and soil, our health continues to decline rapidly as the body is constantly trying adapt to and dispel the poisons.
Never in history has man be so sick. (apart from one pathogen,the plague)

There are always safer alternatives to drugs, search for them you will find what you need.

I agree with you except for the part where you say vaccines are a poison. Through the use of vaccines we eradicated many diseases. Now some of them are coming back because people today refuse vaccines.

@DenoPenno And because their immune systems are likely weak also.

@DenoPenno Sorry to dissolution. In fact vaccines have never worked and pose more The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks .pdf for a start. there are several more medical publications that I can supply the links for you to download.


Statin class drugs often cause muscular pain and weakness as well as making diabetes worse or even causing diabetes... If you do not have dangerously high cholesterol your doctor should not be proscribing them for you period...

I agree with that and reading about those drugs is what has caused me to change my mind on them. OK, so your lipids are a bit off now and then, ldl etc. This too is not a steady reading of a certain thing. The medical industry needs to understand this and embrace it. They will not because they are servants of Big Pharma.

@DenoPenno I chewed out the VA for this and changed my primary telling the hospital administration why I was angry. My health improved drastically after I stopped taking them and I have been doing much better since then. When my new primary asked why I wouldn't take them I explained why and told her that only a complete quack would prescribe them unnecessarily and once she confirmed the side effects she agreed with me. As I understand it ever since my confrontation the hospital has change their policies on Statin class drugs...


The pharmaceutical industry thrives on fear. If folks would eat sensibly, get enough exercise and sleep most folks would be fine.

BTW MJ brings down my blood pressure and it does so quite quickly.

I'm not so sure that mine is high. The measurement is not a constant and that is how they scare you. I do take Brewer's Yeast for all B vitamins and you have to order it special. It will interact with meds you take and change the readings of things. I think it has normalized many of my readings.

@DenoPenno I would be very careful with MJ if you are already on a blood pressure med. I am and if I use them both to close to one another my BP gets seriously low.

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