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Guided by their god it takes them 40 years ..

snytiger6 9 May 27

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Is that Charlton Heston!?!🤔


40 years, leaving no tracks, dead or waste along the way amazing in a land where mummification is commonplace.
Today's technology , satellites and lidar along would have picked up any migration route.
This technology is not antisemitic


7.5 miles a year is even sadder when considering my 80 year old neighbor walks 10 miles every morning…..🤠


7.5 miles a year is bigly sad, everyone’s been saying it!! 👍


Read the book of Numbers in the OT, not only were they in the wilderness for 40 years, they became a pariah tribe, they robbed and stole from surrounding nations, and eventually other nations Moab and Midian , combined to drive them out of the area, because they were too much trouble, by having the king of both nations, have the sorcerer Balaam of another nation, paid to curse the whole of the tribes of Israel, however the magician claimed he talked with god, by way of his talking Donkey, and was not allowed to curse Israel, but was also not allowed to give the money back. That was when god (or someone else possibly another talking ass) told Israel to go and invade Jericho instead, kill everyone (except for one prostitute) and take the city for their own.
Of course Sunday school does not talk about the raiding, pillaging, murdering, genocide and sex slavery, just that they took 40 years to get from Egypt to Jericho.
Of course modern day Jews would never behave like that, saying that would be anti-semitic.

Archeologists say the evidence is that the original Jewish nation was made up of outcasts from surrounding areas, that pretty much were bandits. The whole exodus story was just made up, If there was a massive release of slaves from Egypt, there would likely be some record of it by other nations of the time period. But, there are none.

@snytiger6 Exactly, thank you


Don't you know that the world has gotten much smaller since then?


the number 40 is important in the bible and occurs over 170 times. Moses spent 40 days up a mountain, it rained for forty days, Jesus spent 40 days in the desert etc. Apparently it originally just meant a long time but the figure 40 got stuck. If they had said that Moses and his merry band spent 40 days wandering it would have seemed too short so why didn't the story teller say 40 months?. Would have been a bit more plausible.

Right, and Joseph was 40 years older than Mary!!! ☺️

@Aaron70 I think Muhammad beat him. It seems that the writers of the Quran weren't aware of the 40 rule.

@Moravian Supposedly, it was Mohammad himself who wrote the Quran. It is supposed to his collected writings and letters over a lifetime. The various sects of Islam seem to disagree on what should be included and in what order and how the writings are organized.

@snytiger6 Muhammad was illiterate so he certainly didn't write any of it. He was probably some sort of cult leader and some of his ramblings were presumably written down by his followers.

@snytiger6 Zayd ibn Thābit wrote down the Quran , he was the scribe of the prophet, HOWEVER, he was a19 year old soldier in the Islam army when he was recruited, meaning that for the first few decades of of Islam there was no Quran Hadith or Sunnah just word of mouth.


And the snails would have enjoyed it, not been scared of damnation the entire time!!!!!


No trace of Hebrews having a part in pyramid building has been found. It is an ugly arrogance that Jews continue to imagine that they built pyramids, or that anything in Exodus is true. Passover (based on the Exodus myth) continues to be celebrated, demonstrating that the Jewish claim of revering truth gets trashed over revering ritual customs.

Archeologists say the evidence is that the original Jewish nation was made up of outcasts from surrounding areas, that pretty much were bandits. The whole exodus story was just made up, If there was a massive release of slaves from Egypt, there would likely be some record of it by other nations of the time period. But, there are none.


Believers just do not get it when you tell them there is no evidence of 40 years in the wilderness.

There is no evidence they were ever slaves in Egypt at all, some Israelites are mentioned as having been stone masons in the Pyramid and the coffin texts, mentioning that when Israel declared war on Nubia and the Hittites (also confirmed in Hittite Stele texts) Egypt refused to trade with them anymore.


HAHAHA !! Never thought of that, LOL.. good point

Leetx Level 7 May 27, 2024
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