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I just spent five months in the hospital and PT/OT residential rehab. It was mostly boring. My gall bladder went belly up and had to be removed. This resulted in a week intubated in the ICU. My hair got so matted that I had to have almost all of it cut off. Now I have that real dyke look. I spent a total of a month in the hospital and four months in rehab. I forgot how to walk while in the hospital resulting in the rehab.
I really got into the cosmos as my "higher power." I was approached in the the hospital by one jesus freak PT person.
I really missed my computer contacts. My tremor makes it impossible to use my iphone for anything but basic phone use.

Theresa_N 8 June 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I underwent radiation treatments for cancer back in 2020, and have been cancer-free for going on five years now. And I'm always happy to hear of others who have survived a serious medical condition. Look ahead, and not behind.
Join a gym, and begin a regular workout regimen.You will feel better after every workout.
And I can relate with the tremors. I have Parkinson's disease, and my hands shake too.
I take a dopamine supplement,which lessens them somewhat. You might ask your doctor if dopamine might make yours more tolerable. I hope your condition continues to improve, and my very best wishes to you!


Nice to have you back! Glad you got through it and are on the mend. 🙂


Jesus Christ on a cracker, what an ordeal to go thru! Glad you survived and are on the mend, thanks for posting this. It's nice to have you back...


So sorry to hear this! I'm happy that you are recovering and feeling better, hair grows back and sometimes it grows back better than before! Keep up the hard work, physical and occupational therapy can be hard!


Oh no! I'm sorry you had to go through that, but you are on the other side now? That's a plus. Hair grows back. Happy to see you back here with all the heathens. Take it slow and get to that full recovery, we're all pulling for you! 💜


Well that was a pretty awful experience for you! I hope you're doing better and on to a full recovery.



You have my sympathy. Get well soon!


I remember I was pretty bored in the hospital too, only my stay was just three days when I was diagnosed with leukemia. (I have since recovered, and they say at this point there is less than a 1% chance it will come back.).

Anyway, I was scared when my doctor told me after a blood test to immediately go to the emergency room. Not knowing how serious it was, just in case, I loaded my audio book player with books to listen to. (I am partially but legally blind, and so I read via audio books, and on average read more than two books a day.)

So, I wasn't quite as bored as I could have been, as I had books to listen to. I couldn't imagine having to be stuck in the hospital for an extended time. I'd have gone nuts.

On the brighter side, I found hospital food is much better than reputation suggests. Of course, as I was in a cancer ward, perhaps the food had to be good in order for patients to maintain weight. One nurse even insisted on making me a milkshake. I had a menu by the phone to order from whenever I wanted. I suspect they really had a hard time getting patients to eat enough and keep a healthy weight.

I could not imagine having to spend more than three days there though, as it was pretty boring.

Just for those who also have print disabilities, such as some kind of blindness or dyslexia, the Library of Congress has recorded more audio books available for download than a single person could ever read. I download them to my phone, which makes them more portable than using the provided digital book player. Anyway, if you or someone you know has a print disability here is the information to check out their services and qualification requirements.

I've lost sixty pounds partially due to the hospital acquired infection that has given me chronic diarrhea. The weight loss is welcome. The food wasn't bad in the hospital but not as good in rehab.


Hoping you threw a tantrum and tossed the jf pt person out the door? Sorry you've had to go through all this. You WILL get through it and you WILL be stronger for it ... once it's all passed!

No, I siimply said I'm atheist, to keep things simple. He said something about "that's alright."

@Theresa_N How very kind of him to give you forgiveness!


The road to recovery can be frustrating and difficult, and worth the effort. 🙂

Keep up the good work and you'll be back to your normal self soon. Take care. 🙂

Betty Level 8 June 2, 2024

Sorry to here of your medical problems. The stress involved is always something to deal with. When you mention tremors I can identify. If I hold my hands out they appear steady as a rock. Let me get frustrated and they shake like an addict needing a fix. Maybe rehab can help you with this. Best wishes.


I’m so sorry to hear the medical problems you’ve had…I do hope you’re well on the road to full recovery now. The hair will grow again…and that certain look will pass with it! The important thing is that the worst is now behind you and hopefully with time and rehab the tremor in your hands will lessen too.
I’m sending you my best wishes Theresa, you’re a survivor!

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