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Ginny Thomas is a MAGA insider, and was at the rally where Trump launched a violent mob at the Capitol.

According to Samuel Alito, his wife, Martha-Ann, is in charge of their MAGA flags. (It's not a credible explanation; see the link below.)

Both justices have accepted expensive gifts from right-wing billionaires.

By agreeing to hear Trump's argument for presidential immunity and then sitting on the case for months without ruling, the conservative majority on the Supreme Court has handed Trump a win. They're running out the clock, preventing a trial from taking place before the election. Exactly what Trump wants. (An innocent man would be eager to have his day in court.)

Three questions:

Do you think the voters have a right to know the outcome of a case where a presidential candidate is accused of both defrauding the United States AND inciting a riot at the US Capitol to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a free and fair election, BEFORE they vote?

Can we trust in the impartiality of this court?

Should Alito and Thomas be impeached?



Flyingsaucesir 8 June 9

Enjoy being online again!

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We can no longer trust the Supreme Court and both Alito and Thomas should be impeached.


MAGA has sewn up the Supreme Court and Trump appointed judges are loyal to him (it is how they got their jobs, since they were hardly qualified). With the Republican majority in the House, on the Court and almost par in the Senate, the crooked Justices have no fear and no incentive to do the right thing. Which would be to retire before any ruling involving Trump.


Mrs. THOMAS also paid for busses to bring in rabble/-human vermin on that day, I heard 6 busfuls.

Yeah, and she was tweeting MAGA propaganda and texting Mark Meadows to help tRump "stand firm." Hella partisan!


Alito and Thomas should both be impeached and removed from the court. Those two especially, have brought the court down to where it is now. Not believable, can't be trusted to be non partisan in their decisions and they show zero impartiality in their decisions.

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