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I know no one here believes in God. As you would define 'God' I could also agree with that assessment. But let me ask the question a little differently. Do you accept the idea of divinity?

Now just like 'God', divinity has it's different meanings however it's not as clobbered by Christianity and society as the word 'God' is.

So do you accept the idea of divinity and why or why not?

Drank_Spear 7 June 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I think some are missing the point... When you say 'the idea of divinity', don't you mean 'the purpose or reason for believing in a god'? Based on this/my interpretation, I responded accordingly. But then, I may have got what you meant wrong. You do have the likelihood of using vague terms.

Ryo1 Level 8 June 25, 2024

Being open and being vague are two different things. Narcissists love making vague statements, rather deliberately; a good way to draw attention to themselves.


Very simple. No god, no divinity.


No I don't accept divinity because there is no proof of such an entity.

You obviously don't know the definition of "entity" so you are too poorly educated to converse with.


The word "divinity" is a noun, and, like the word "deity," is just a fancy way of saying "god." Of course I accept the existence of these words, and even the concept they represent. I also recognize that belief in the literal existence of a divinity, deity, or god is an unfortunate anachronism bequeathed to us by history and maintained through indoctrination and exploitation of superstitious fear. It's a ridiculous and childish cognitive state, at odds with any reasonable assessment of reality. Belief in divinity hobbles individuals, stifles their free thought, distances them from nature, and renders them incapable of fully appreciating their place on Earth and in the cosmos. For instance, belief in a divinity or deity is usually is accompanied by belief in a Creator, and also belief that the Earth and all life on it only recently (as little as 7 thousand years ago, according to some Christians) came into being more or less instantaneously, in a flash of divine inspiration. In the 21st century, this set of beliefs is preposterous in the extreme. It basically rejects or dismisses the last 400+ years of scientific advancement. The planets, moon, stars, and galaxies have been developing for nearly 14 billion years. (At only 4.6 billion years old, the Earth is young by comparison.) And the living organisms on the 3rd rock from the sun have been evolving for at least 3½ billion years. All the present life forms on Earth evolved from a very simple cell that itself evolved through natural chemical processes acting on natural materials found on early Earth. This is what the evidence from geology, paleontology, molecular biology, ecology, biochemistry, comparative embryology, cell biology, biogeography, and comparative anatomy tells us. And the significance of this fact could not be more powerful. It means that all of the living things on Earth share kinship with one another! Not only are all humans alive today cousins of one another, but we also share ancestors with every plant, animal, fungus, protist, and bacterium that ever existed. We couldn't be more connected to our environment. We humans were not placed here by a god, to have dominion of the other life forms. We evolved right along with them. (And having evolved in only the last 200 thousand years or so, our species is a relative latecomer to the party.) The idea of divinely-conferred dominion is extremely dangerous, and is in good measure why we are in the mess we are in today, with ecosystems collapsing under assaults from human pollution, habitat destruction, poor agricultural practices, and anthropogenic global warming. So the belief structure with divinity at its center is not only a travesty, its also a tragedy.

Ad hominem attack will not solve your problem. But go ahead, knock yourself out. Maybe an actual argument will occur to you in the meantime. 😂


I am an agnostic atheist, like most, so that while I do not believe in god, I accept the hypothesis as unlikely though unprovable and not subject to disproof.

And I fail to see any difference between god and divinity in that respect.

Especially since, given the great diversity of the ideas labeled with the word god, including even metaphors for life or morals, both terms are so vague as to be virtually identical; god being just a personification for divinity. It is like saying. Do you believe a car is still a car if it is not registered and has no number plate. God is just a label for the divinity argument, or a mask for it for those who are not comfortable with pure abstractions, taking the label away does not alter the argument. It is a delusion to think that divinity can be altered if you take the god mask off it.


You mean, like somewhere there is an eternal something with superior powers/knowledge/understanding?

Ummmmmm,that would not be just No, but Hell No.......

In fact, ROFLMAO!!!!!!

Well...last week I had steak for dinner and it was divine. 😉


Most wars and conflicts are around the word God.

Didn't realize Divine had so many meanings

I get a feeling of well being in a state of higher energy. On rare occasion of Divine bliss is one's consciousness completely submerge with superconciousness. And there will be no difference with the wisdom of eternal. At this state one becomes unlimited entity like Supreme God and part of Supreme soul. Complete oneness with entire creation.

I accept yet don't understand politics or religion, Wish there was far less of their low energy and destruction. Wish their dominant would slow down the state of yin/yang


I do actually in that humans are hardwired to be susceptible to divinity.
There is a hypothesis that (see below):

Ryo1 Level 8 June 24, 2024

Human spirituality is influenced by heredity and that a specific gene, called vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), predisposes humans towards spiritual or mystic experiences. The idea has been proposed by geneticist Dean Hamer in the 2004 book called The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired into our Genes.

>>> the other 98% 'junk' DNA
I don't know what you mean by that.

Going back to your original question, 'Do you accept the idea of divinity?', whether it is the idea of divinity or not, all 'ideas' are created by humans, and they are perceived by humans. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging/recognising the existance of ideas. Hence, the study of religion, i.e. the scientific study of religion.


Everything achieved in life, was all once imagined. There is no one reallty , only prospectives. Ideas grow into realities.

Our reality is not an objective construct; it is a subjective experience shaped by our individual perceptions. These perceptions are the lens through which we view the world, influenced by our beliefs, past experiences, and emotional states.

@Drank_Spear Do you really have to ask that question? What do YOU think?

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