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Here I sit in heaven. Everything is wonderful here. So wonderful, in fact, it gets boring. So what do I do with my free time? I play. That's what we do in heaven.

Right now, I'm playing this super fun and cool game. Think of it like a video game—it's outrageously fun! My character, a guy named Darren Parks aka Darren Greyfoot, is pretty interesting. I've been through some fascinating scenarios and managed to get some awesome power-ups. I've used a few, but I've got a lot more to use still, and I figure I'll pick up a few more along the way.

I feel like I've got great control of this character. It seems very responsive to my inputs. So far, I've defeated three bosses. The last one was the strongest yet, but it was still no match for me. I'm looking forward to kicking the next one's ass as well. This game is so much fun; I'll be sad and miss it when it's over.

Anyway, back to heaven and heavenly stuff. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Drank_Spear 7 July 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Mommy's basement has it's charms, no doubt......


Power-ups are fine, but I seriously could use some mechanical augmentations though.


Wow you must have some good weed .

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