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People giving money to Stormy Daniels at a gofundme page, so she may pay legal fees to Trump. So these people are actually giving money to Trump.
Now that's irony

puff 8 July 9

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This was the fault of her lawyer who filed a frivolous lawsuit in her name, not at her request. The judge ruled that since he was her attorney of record, that she had liability whether she had knowledge or not.


The court ordered her to pay his legal fees when it dismissed her case against him. I don't find it ironic, I find it unfair. It's also ridiculous that he wasn't ordered to pay her extensive legal bills for appearing at his trial, for which she was paid nothing to appear as a witness.

Lauren Level 8 July 10, 2024

I find it ironic those that choose to donate to Stormy do so because they dislike Trump but the money they give is likely to end up in his pocket.
Who called her up as a witness? Prosecution or defense?

@puff It doesn't matter who called her, she was required by law to testify and as such had to pay attorneys and travel costs. I get your irony, but it's an unfortunate result of helping her out.

@Lauren You should not need an attorney to testify, under oath. You simply tell the truth. I thought she sued Trump for defamation and lost so these are the court costs. Fair enough wanting to help her out but I do like irony and this is a good one eg help her out by paying Trump.

@Lauren From the posted link
"The money raised will go toward paying off the $600,000 in Trump’s legal fees that she owes the former president after a court dismissed her 2018 defamation case against him."

@puff Our legal system is such that you absolutely need an attorney telling you what you should or should not say because it's more nuanced than what a lay person would understand. Every person who testified before the January 6 committee had an attorney.

@puff Sorry, yes, the defamation case was the basis of the GoFundMe but she's since incurred additional expenses which it will also be used for.

@Lauren More irony. Before you raise your right hand and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.............. get legal advice.

And legal advice is as you are under oath you cannot lie. So if you are not 100% sure which means being 99.99% sure is not good enough, better to say "I don't recall".
Witnesses should be truthful and are required to be by law. Sure get a brief on legal rights but that's all the lawyer advice they need receive.

@puff Yeah, it is ironic. It's presuming that our legal system is interested in truth and justice as opposed to the letter of the law.

I think self-incrimination is a big part of having an attorney - there are things which may expose you legally so even if it's the truth, you don't have to swear to them in court.


Thus is just weird and I suspect not true....


I wouldn't pay a dime to Chump.


I would donate to the trucker freedom fest GoFund me, like the one that was in Ottawa Canada.

Yet not ever to the greatest scammers of all, the Goverment. Taxes have already gone up 2 or 3 times since my youth.


Ha,Any idiot that would donate money to this top heavy Whore deserves their money to be diverted to Trump..

Poetic justice for sure .

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