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As an outsider ( I live in England), it is interesting to observe that liberals who are typically anti-gun violence seem to be OK with, or even in favour of, the idea of assassinating Trump by shooting him.
Can anyone explain and trace the justification of this contradiction?

Also, I read the following article by HUFFPOST with interest:

More Liberals Are Shooting Guns
The new trend might complicate the polarized politics of gun reform in coming years.


What the hell is going on???

Ryo1 8 July 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Thanks everyone for your inputs. What I see here is the hypocrisy of ideology demonstrated in many words. Yes, we are all hypocrites and we often don't realise that we are being hypocrites.

Which hypocrite should you voters choose as your next leader? Brits have just chosen one recently. Lol


Ryo1 Level 8 July 15, 2024

Maths trumps everything. If you can save a hundred million from misery by inflicting misery on one, then so be it. I do not believe in moral absolutes like. "Thou shalt not kill." Absolutes are primitive thinking, oppressive and easy to manipulate by oppressors. The best value always has to be the greatest good of the greatest number. The line should really read. "It is generally a bad idea to kill, but do so if you have to." As should. It is best not to steal, except in extreme want. Be much better than a total ban on theft.

Freedom, civilization, and and humanity have always required some level of violence to protect them. It is, for example, an act of violence to imprison someone, would you let all the murderers and child rapists out of prison ?

PS. in this case I think it would be a bad idea to kill trump, in practical political, terms. But I do not see any great moral difficulty with it.

Spock logic. “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”

I agree. To kill trump would be to make him a martyr. The resulting fallout would be mayhem.


Sensible gun control for the society is a separate subject entirely from the hopefull elimination of a threat to the society.

What do you mean? You entrust that hopeful elimination (presumably assassination) of a threat (presumably Trump) to a nutter with a gun who authroises themselves to kill, do you? That's as premitive as the thumbs-up/down gestures in Ancient Rome. If you're happy to throw democracy out of the window like that, why bother with election?


I do not know of any reliable "liberal" who condones violence. 20 year old incel nut cases with a testosterone issue. He was a registered Republican. There is a saying here, "the 2nd amendment defends the first". There is a fear by some of another civil war. Where will "they" attack first? Will the military remain loyal to the Constitution? Will the grunts stay loyal to their commanders? Liberals have guns also. And mental illness is not being addressed in the USA. No background checks at guns shows. Bump stocks just been approved by SCOTUS. The future looks very bleak. I am still hiding.

Tit-for-tat political violence could escalate and lead to uncontrollable conflicts, like Italy's Year of Lead. Keep hiding.


Does anyone have an objective, insightful perspective on the subject?

Ryo1 Level 8 July 14, 2024

In the US, we are taught that the reason the 2nd exists is to be able to violently oppose anybody who tries to rise up as a tyrant and oppress. Having grown up in VA (state motto on the flag "Sic Semper Tyrannis" under a picture of one person holding up the head of a deceased tyrant they beheaded), it is a real thing you face. It shouldn't be a surprise that, when people face what they might perceive as a tyrant, they respond with force. THis is something ingrained into the American mythos of why we exist and our role to protect democracy and oppose tyranny at all costs. Not surprising that people hold two very different views on a subject because of lived experiences (the things that brought them to be more in favor of gun control and the schooling about civics).

Ah, finally, a good explanation. Thank you. Lol
I was thinking about this matter from a cultural and historical perspective. So, whether one is left or right (by the way, I don't do brands and labels), protecting democracy and opposing tyranny at all costs sit side by side, deeply rooted in American society. What a contradiction, but it exists!


How do you explain it? It’s called TDS.

howdy1 Level 5 July 14, 2024

Oh, c'mon, mate. There's got to be a better explanation than that! It may be to do with America's assassination/attempt history or something, I don't know.


I have religious friends and close family who do not care for trump as I also do not but not one showed any joy in this tragedy like some of the disgusting individuals on this site but I expected this from these deranged members .

I will therefore revel in my madness


Not surprising from these vile hypocrites


It seems like Karma to me, they brought it on themselves. Period.

So, you deem the assassination attempt as acceptable, do you? Don't you thank Biden for quickly setting the proper tone by expressing his condemnation of what took place and his concern for the well-being of his rival? Don't you think that it is so un-American?

@Ryo1 coming from this gutter rat that hates anyone that does not agree with her delusional thinking its not at all unusual

@howdy1 She isn't like that...

@Ryo1 How do you get "it is acceptable" out of what I wrote?????

You Reap What You Sow, period. In gardens, in life, anywhere.

Biden's response would be mine if I were asked, it is the decent Human thing to do ( NOT that I would expect drump in reversed circumstances to act the same of course.....)
And Howdy is a nasty idiot with Obviously no actual reply.......

@Ryo1 Yes she is .I have seen it here on numerous occasions

@biguy12 The Fact that someone disagrees with you is a Fact of life, your response to someone who disagrees with you is sad, sick, and juvenile at best. Oh, wait, just like the Golden Shoe'd Calf you worship.


Acknowledging that the U.S. and the world would be better without Trump is not a contradiction to also wanting sensible and stronger gun laws and fewer guns.

I'm inclined to agree that the world would be a better place without Trump (but I cannot say that Biden is a better choice, either), and I am in favour of stricter gun control. But you seem to condone the idea of taking law in one's hands by shooting him in order to maintain peace. Do I understand you correctly?

@Ryo1 No, I made no statement about taking law into ones own hands. I do not condone violence but I will acknowledge that sometimes violence is beneficial to myself and others.

If that still is not clear enough... then look at it this way. I don't condone cutting off someone's foot, but if a person's foot is rotting from gangrene then I'd be okay with the foot being cut off.... preferably by a professional.

@Charles1971 TA.


I am for reasonable gun control and creating safe spaces for schools and public gatherings. I'm sad that seemingly innocent bystanders were critically injured and died at the Trump rally.

That said, it was a Trump rally, filled with people seemingly very much in favor of more guns in the hands of people regardless of age, mental status, history of violence, etc., so, in my mind, that makes it a dangerous place to be.

Something like this happening in that type of environment doesn't really surprise me, and we don't have all the facts and might never have. There seem to be witnesses who alerted protective authorities to the gunman, but they were ignored and the rally continued. It's hard to know what is true.

This makes the idea that it was a publicity stunt gone horribly wrong seem a possibility, and reports that Trump "claimed" a bullet hit his ear have not been confirmed by any medical report that I have seen yet, so the idea that the injury to him may have occurred by shattered glass or some other object also seems possible.

I am sad for any injuries and of course the deaths, but if this were to happen, I'm glad it happened at a Trump rally, not at another gathering, say of people who are for safe places.

I personally am not a fan of Trump or his supporters and enablers. So, while I don't like violence of any kind, I do have less sympathy for Trump and his obvious supporters (or paid attendees to the rally, if that really happens as has been reported) than I would if it were someone else.

It may sound cold, but if something bad is going to happen, it might as well be to someone who, in my opinion, who stands against the freedoms I enjoy having in America. One of those freedoms is being able to live in a state that has historically had very few guns, and tries hard to restrict gun sales to only people who can prove they can be responsible gun owners and pass a safety test.

I am aware of the conspiracy theory that the assassination attempt was staged. If it was, was it still OK that one innocent person got killed as a result of missing Trump?

@Ryo1 Think Trump was feeling bad as people were dying on January 6? He was celebrating

Trump was watching TV as the events of January 6 unfolded .

"President Trump sat in his dining room and watched the attack on television while his senior-most staff closest advisers and family members begged him to do what is expected of any American president," Luria said. "When lives and our democracy hung in the balance, President Trump refused to act because of his selfish desire to stay in power."

The committee played video clips of news coverage from Fox News, to show what Trump watched in real time as he tuned in from his dining room, just off from the Oval Office. He watched as his supporters, donning red caps and chanting his name, overwhelmed and outnumbered police as they flooded the Capitol grounds and attempted to breach the Capitol.



I feel about trump the way I feel about guns. We'd all be better off without both of them. As for the reaction to the shooting, trump was the biggest proponent of violence, and I find it ironic that anyone should feel sorry for him. I sure don't. He went on and on praising the January 6 "heroes".


So, was it justifiable that Crooks tried to kill Trump? Did you wish he'd completed the mission?

It’s not about feeling sorry for him it’s about an act of violence that should not be condoned

@Ryo @vince88 1 I don't want to see anyone killed. I'm just saying it's ironic for him to deify violence which he instigates and encourages... until it happens to him.

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