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I finally met another Agnostic friend today! Since I'm visiting my son and daughter who live in northwest Washington State, I decided to explore a bit of the San Juan Islands this week. Today, I took my grandson on a little adventure. We walked on the ferry to Lopez Island, where Jack (@pedigojr) lives. Jack met us at the ferry terminal and drove us around on a little tour of the island. So, now that makes 2 Agnostic friends I've met!

Julie808 8 July 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Everyone you meet is agnostic, everyone you've never met is agnostic.

Agnosticism is irrelevant. Everyone is agnostic, including theists. They, like everyone else, DO NOT KNOW definitively if a god exists, that is why agnosticism is irrelevant.

In order to know, you must have knowledge, in order to have knowledge, you must have evidence. Believers simply believe without evidence producing knowledge. An atheist or non-believer accepts knowledge that evidence produces. Theists have NOT produced any evidence for gods.

This is why atheists or non-believers demand proof in order to obtain knowledge and theists demand belief in order to sustain their faith.

All agnostics are either believers or non-believers.

I just meant that I have now met 2 people from this site Agnostics dot com.


Sometime I need to learn how to pose for photographs. Still, I love showing people around this island and had a great time. I wonder if your grandson understands how lucky he is to be living in such a beautiful and dynamic area.

My grandsons have traveled all over the world, and have seen and experienced the beauty, color and people, way more than I have and they do truly appreciate the beauty and peacefulness of the little island where their beach house is.

I had warned Owen that you didn't consider Samish to be a true island, so we shared a look when you said exactly that, haha! It really is a delightful drop of peace and beauty at their place. He knows how lucky he is to have such a place to spend the summers of his childhood. They attend Camp Kirby there on Samish Island, which is one of the locations of "Camp Quest" for agnostics and other like-minded kids.

I personally hate having my photo taken, but I'm in the wrong line of business for that. I rarely like any photos of myself, but still I'm so happy to have images and memories of life events so easily captured with the phone/camera in my pocket on any whim.

@Julie808 Somewhere I read that most hate pictures of themselves. However, we seem to feel the pictures are less attractive than a mirror image. Thought like this often get me to do a little research so I looked this up. [] Really interesting and maybe I should post it as most feel this way- I do.

@Julie808 That's great you have such discussion with him. Having an experienced family member is so important to kids these days. I wish we had had more time together and the three of us could talk more about things like other cultures. I've lived and traveled in various places in the world and would love to share some of the lessons I learned with him. Although, I do know such things take time and are best received from another close family member. With your prior warning he must have thought, Grandma is really smart! Thanks for sharing.

The identity of a true island (that is not so easily accessible) is different than one that is. Anacortes is also on a large island (Fidalgo) but with the big I-20 bridge and the smaller, Rainbow bridge, this fact is often surprising to many.

@pedigojr Yes, I'm glad to have "one on one" time with each of my grandsons, and we usually find something to talk about that I know a little something about, or they share something they know and I don't. I'm lucky to have grandsons I can learn from and vice-versa.

@Julie808 That's an experience I've never had. Lucky, you.


Great pics, Julie. I'm glad that all of you had a good time.


It's really great meeting other members from here. Before covid I did quite a bit of going out of my way on travels to meet people, I still do when I can. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things after my shoulder replacement. There don't seem to be any problems ahead.


Very cool 😎👍


How wonderful. Looks like you had a great day. 🙂

Betty Level 8 July 17, 2024

How fun!!! I love meeting friends from the site!


Cool! I had the pleasure of meeting Jack at an FFRF conference in San Francisco a few years ago. Wish we could all have a convention!

We did talk about that convention and Salman Rushdie. She said she didn't know he had such a good sense of humor and he was to speak at a future writers convention which she is attending.

@pedigojr I know this is a cliche....but I've always told people he's ''sly fox funny." It's an old Southern descriptive and, in this case, perfect to describe him! He's written a book on the's an easy ''read."

@pamagain Interesting that you both bring up Salman Rushdie. I only learned a few days ago that he will be one of the guest speakers of the Kauai Writers Convention. I went to the first Writers Convention, but have skipped the last several. Maybe I'll go to this one and get inspired to write again!

Yes, we should try to have an gathering In Real Life for folks in one region or another. I'm only on the west coast for a few more days, then it's back to Kauai. I know lots of places for a retreat on Kauai, but the travel expense is getting pretty high these days.

Maybe we could try for a west coast gathering, some day. Our numbers (on this site) have gone down quite a bit since the site got wonky. Lots of people left, I think.

@Julie808 That would be fun but, for me the idea of being on a crowded plane during the latest outbreak of Covid is a bit scary. Perhaps a town or small or large city in the West might be good. I would definitely attend.

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