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Good thing God is not an authority figure or I'd be fucked.

Drank_Spear 7 July 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Why, OH! WHY has admin not provided an eye roll emoji? lolololol

Like this?

@Drank_Spear How pathetic! Quit your whining!

Commenting is what this site is all about. If you don't like the responses you're getting, then you should consider not posting inane bullshit. (In the old days, we would have put it this way: If you can't stand the heat, then get your whiny ass out of the kitchen.)

Or, if you feel you are being misunderstood, then you could try explaining your position in greater detail. Be explicit. Tell us exactly what you mean. I challenge you. 😂

@Drank_Spear You know you're proving my point, right? 😂

@Drank_Spear (sound of dusting off hands)


Excuse me for saying it, but what a load of crap.

0 = 0

"Infinite well of creative source energy?" What the hell is that?

"Natural unwritten design of the universe?" Nonsense! Design implies a designer. No evidence of that.

"Generating love and abundance...?" Ok. And hate and scarcity in equal measure.

"The interconnected web of all consciousness?" More spooky language signifying nothing.

Why would anyone post such poppycock? Hmmmm. 🤔

Maybe @Drank_Spear is trying to groom atheists and agnostics into a somnambulist acceptance of the God proposition through equating Him with some ineffable and spooky concepts that are resistant to counter-argument precisely because the concepts themselves sound vaguely like something graspable but are in fact meaningless.

So there is some truth here. Zero is in fact equal to zero.

He is trying hard to get us to admit he is right about something.

I don't engage with him anymore. When asked a direct question, he avoids answering. When he doesn't get the responses he wants, he resorts to insults.

There are better things to do with my time than to engage in nonsense.

@Drank_Spear You realize you just proved her point, right? 😂

@Drank_Spear @Betty has got your number, bro.

"When asked a direct question, he avoids answering. When he doesn't get the responses he wants, he resorts to insults."

It doesn't take long for you to revert to type. 😂😂😂

@Flyingsaucesir Thank you for having my back. 🙂

@Betty You (being consistently smart and right) make it easy sistah! ✊🙂

@Flyingsaucesir Now you're sweet-talking. 🤗

Just to clarify...I did not use the word "stupid", nor did I engage him since I was responding to you.




"the natural unwritten design of the universe" poorly designed. "the interconnected web of all consciousness" HAHAHAHA !!! wow

Leetx Level 7 July 18, 2024

God is all things to all people. (Because all people make a god in their owns image, and you can fake anything if you are only trying to fool yourself.)


Major Woo warning by one of our beloved village idiots.....

We used to have a woo page, to address woo, but it was taken down sadly, I miss that.

@Fernapple You could restart it or make your own.

Yes, it is major Woo. Anyone who can tell you what god is and what god is not is washed in Woo. Yes, that would make a good song.


Can't find a better leader for myself than me. God wouldn't even be my any kind of choice . And certainly not authority over everyone and everything.


I don't know how to define God,if most people think God is the most important thing. And everyone is God instead ,then Noone is above me or below me. Or no better or worse.


Christianity teaches the only way to salvation is by placing faith in Christ, many individuals are opposed to this idea, including omnists. That is what you don't mind being called, is an omnists.

I'm similar, just not for centroism of any kind, where absolute power corrupts. On the other hand not against anything, as that joins the problem

On here the Goverment seems to be the new God's.


Labels don't stick on me well neither, it's limited

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