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Since I have lived in Missouri for 26 years, I am no longer surprised when people automatically assume that I am Xtian. It is tiresome, though. Usually, I say, "I'm an atheist" and sometimes, I just bear it.

Yesterday, I was buying fabric and mentioned my granddaughter to the woman cutting the fabric. Another customer commented to me about grandchildren and then said, "My four year old granddaughter said to her dad yesterday, 'Daddy, we need to praise Jesus.'"

I said nothing and did not even smile. She seemed a bit confused by my reaction and went on, "Her other grandmother just died and she wanted to praise Jesus because of this. She said, 'Daddy, we need to praise Jesus.'"

I thought, hmmm . . . Praising Jesus for a dead grandma. I said nothing. She seemed to be even more confused and looked at me expectantly, waiting for a reply. However, another customer took up the slack and said, "Oh, that is SO precious!" The two of them talked about the issue for a few minutes, the clerk finished cutting my fabric, and I walked away.

This proves that yes, I can keep my mouth shut at times, but I wonder what she thought about my refusal to play along.

Gwen_Wanderer 7 Aug 3

Enjoy being online again!

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There was a box of cookies in my mailbox today?!🤷🏻♂️

Over the years, my mail deliverers have lost several checks--the one for the tax credit I got when I bought my house was quite hefty--and at least one credit card. I assume that the cookies were not delivered correctly!

@Gwen_Wanderer I assume you gave me the wrong address. Which begs the question, why did you say you wanted cookies to begin with?!
Over the last 20 years, I’ve given away literally dozens, if not hundreds of boxes of cookies. But that’s probably gonna be the last box I put in the mail. Hope you’re happy….😃

@Aaron70 actually, I did not say I wanted cookies. You asked for my address so you could send them. I told you that I do not often eat cookies because they are a weakness with me and I did not want the calories. However, you were intent on doing a good deed and and I acquiesced. I did not give you the wrong address, but you might have written it down incorrectly. Had they arrived, I would have given them to my grandkids as I did not want the calories.

@Gwen_Wanderer Wrong, I mentioned baking cookies for people on here a while before that. And you said you would take some. If you hadn’t said that, I wouldn’t have offered. That was the day after you proposed to me as I recall it….🤔

@Gwen_Wanderer I repeated the address back to you. But of course you know this already. I could care less. But you ruined it for other people. 🤷🏻♂️

@Aaron70 Geezus H., dude. Not only do you accuse me of lying and giving a false address, but you also indicate that as I am a woman, I am not to be trusted--nice sexist touch there. If you did not care, you would not have brought it up.

And good job there of shifting blame and making me responsible for "ruining it for other people." I shed false guilt when I left Xtianity. Looks like you didn't lose the "blaming others" mentality when you left. Let me tell you, sweetheart--those millions of other people will not suffer--not will they ever know unless you say, "Ya know, I used to give cookies to people but this woman ruined that for you.

The only thing that truly annoys me is that you posted all this shit in a public forum. That shows a total lack of class.



Sorry to hear what people like us have to go through that live in areas like you. You will never hear such talk in this country and even in most of the western part of the this state. It would probably also be true in most of the whole West coast.

I lived in Northern Cali for 20 years, and the assumptions about religion were far and few between. The Xtians here actually amuse me and often, I reply to them. In this case, it was not worth the effort!


I shut down the religious nutters in the apartment complex where I live right from jump. One of them asked me if I was religious and I just said "No". But she don't want to let it go so I say, "You do know "God" did not create religion, right? Man, created religion, man created lots of religions and it's been a mess ever since.".
From then on we'd say hi to each other, I'd ask how she was doing, ectera and we were fine.
Now this other nutter kept taking offense if I use 'his' name in vain. One day the group of people in the clubhouse were trying to decide what movie to show during the Halloween party. I always advocate for Rocky Horror Picture Show. They never show it but the nutter that would get on my case was sayin' "I
think I've seen that movie."I knew for sure she could not possibly have seen it. I asked who was in it and a couple of other "inoccent " questions. She finally said show me a clip.
I chose the one where Tim Curry comes down the elevator and does his number 'transsexual transvestite'. She never bothered me again.

I live in a semi-rural area and have few neighbors. I know that a couple of them are religious, but they do not try to engage me in conversation about god. When I moved here 15 years ago, though, people would stop their cars in the street to say "hi" and ask me if I had found a church. At that point, I was still into paganism; I told the people I was not looking for a church and if they pressed me (which they sometimes did), I told them I was pagan. After my "newness" wore off, the invitations stopped.

However, there is a church two doors down behind me. Someone from the church has come twice to invite me to services. I told them I am an atheist. It was amusing as the second guy who came said, "Oh, yes, I know--the music director spoke to you once. We've been praying for you." LOL!

They were handing out gift cards to show the neighborhood that the church "loved" them. I told him I wouldn't feel right taking them but when he insisted, I accepted them! I never went to church, though.


I cannot believe they Ever hear themselves......

What they hear is different from what we hear! The guys who have yelled at me obviously didn't have an issue with not showing me "love." Women are different, but I still feel as if they are racking up points with Jesus rather than being truly concerned.


My reaction would have been the same as yours.
I would not have replied

Unity Level 8 Aug 4, 2024

It would have accomplished nothing, but honestly, I would have liked to see the surprise and dismay in her face!

@Gwen_Wanderer You are a wonderful mixture of kindness with a little touch of evil delight. 😉

@Betty I do have that reservoir of evil and I do delight in it!

@Gwen_Wanderer As you should. It makes you a well-rounded woman. 🙂


You did the right thing but my mind goes instantly into the fact that the 4 year old is repeating what she has been indoctrinated with.

Spot on! That was my first thought--the child has no idea of what she is saying, but is merely parroting what the adults say.


She probably thought you are an atheist and that you're going to burn in Hell for eternity. Or some other brain fart along those lines.

I've had a couple of men (total strangers) yell at me in public places that I am going to hell! On the other hand, women have never told me that--they are more concerned about bringing me into the flock and saving my soul. I've also noticed that their tactics have changed, i.e. asking me if I don't want to see my Xtian loved ones in heaven when I die.


@Gwen_Wanderer So the women are not AS odious as the men....😂


Sometimes, saying nothing is the kindest thing to do.

Betty Level 8 Aug 4, 2024

I agree. It is pointless to attempt to debate their beliefs

It was absolutely pointless to say anything in this case. She was not trying to convert me, but was sharing a story that she thought I would find heartwarming.

If her face reflected her thoughts, though, she was very confused that I did not respond.

@Unity it is pointless, but depending on how "they" approach my atheism, I like to poke some of them.

I just remembered that a few months back, I told an old fart I used to attend church, but have long been a nonbeliever. He "anointed" me by touching my shoulder and said that HE KNEW that god was going to work a miracle and bring me back into the fold.

I guess it didn't work as I am still an atheist. Maybe god tried and gave up.

@Gwen_Wanderer It seemed to me that she wanted validation of her story. She wasn't trying to convert you so instead of a potential angry exchange you chose not to respond. You had a very good assessment of the situation in my opinion.

@Gwen_Wanderer, @Unity In many situations, I agree with you. It depends on the attitude. 🙂

@Gwen_Wanderer I'd of probably found the touching my shoulder offensive.

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