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The current odds are neck and neck. When Biden stepped out I posted the betting odds that put Harris at 7/4 and Trump at 8/13. The market has moved rapidly and it is now anyone's race but with Harris trending in. The best you can get is Harris is 11/10 where many sites have her evens and one has her 10/11. Trump is still a very slight favourite at 10/11.
Amendment; in the short time between this morning and evening the odds have shortened on Harris to 21/20, Trump 20/21. This means a lot of money has been bet on Harris.

273kelvin 8 Aug 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Trump's old schtick is wearing thin. People are just tired of him. Plus he's reaching new lows for stupidity, incoherence, and craziness every week. And that's saying something considering how low the starting point was back in 2016.

Yeah, it`s like a TV series that has run its course. (You know, when they start having dream sequences and things) Trump has been the news lead for 8 years and his act is tired.
One thing, if/when Harris beats him maybe it will start a trend and shorten your campaigns. We in the UK changed govt in 6 weeks so maybe you guys might not need 2 years to decide.

@273kelvin It would be great if we in the USA could change our leadership as nimbly as the Brits 😎👍

As for the end of this series, the big question in my mind is whether Trump's cell will be padded or just plain concrete. 😂

@Flyingsaucesir Ah but life is not like a cop show and perps don't always go down. The best we can hope for is house arrest.

@273kelvin One can dream...

@Flyingsaucesir Just got back online today. Harris is now the favourite at 11/13 Trump is 15/13

@273kelvin that's actually a pretty big gap, isn't it? 😂

@Flyingsaucesir Well it is still very close but considering that Harris was 7/4 just a few weeks ago it is showing a huge trend towards a Dem victory with serious money. Now this could be a lot of Russian oligarchs hedging their bets but I watched Trump drift from 8/13 in December 2019 to 9/4 by November 2020. This looks very similar.

@273kelvin Ever seen the graph of Napoleon's Russian campaign? The one that represents the route and geographical position of his army at any time with a black line, with the thickness of that line representing the number of men still alive at any point? The line starts out an inch wide, and by the end it's as fine as a pencil lead. 😂


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