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What’s the most frustrating thing about getting older?

Redcupcoffee 7 May 8

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Getting old!!!!!


I forget.


Realizing your own mortality



Body falling apart. For instance, I'm waiting for an xray right now on my foot that Dr suspects is tendonitis. Hurts to walk. I feel 100 yrs old.


Sitting on my balls by accident


Oh....dealing with others, young or older, ideas of what someone my age is "supposed" to be like or want to do.
? I ain't yer typical 62 year old dude in many ways.
Probably a few others in the same league.


Honestly the loss of easy access to casual sex is the very worst part, because it highlights all the other difficulties while also removing my favorite go to coping strategy in times of stress and depression. I know this might sound like I’m kidding but I’m not, it’s heartbreaking. It goes both ways too - my favorite way to help out a friend with the blues or pick up the spirits of someone I admire has withered away with my looks.

I can fully understand this. Sex is a remarkable anti-stress therapy, such as the time when I was hyped up and nervously excitable having just escaped from Amin's Uganda after evading the secret police cars that were chasing me, and which continued to hunt me even after I crossed the border into Kenya, but didn't know their way along the sugar estate roads that skirted the main road. After a 450 mile drive, I hid my car in a warehouse, arranged asylum for a Ugandan refugee I had taken over the border with me on forged papers, and was trembling with nervous energy. An old girl friend straightened me out remarkably, after which I could sleep.


Odd aches and pains. Like standing up and wondering why the hell my knee hurts..??☺


I find that as I have gotten older I know how to do more things but my body will not allow me to do as much.


After exercise, with a hangover, or with some illness, the body simply does NOT snap back like I remember. When I was in college, I remember shooting pool til 4 or 4:30, sleeping in my car, splashing water on my face, and making it to a 7 AM class. That just doesn't work the same way anymore. Stuff starts to wear out too. You get aches or pains in areas you were never aware existed on your body.

You are so correct. The older you get, the worse the hangovers, ESPECIALLY the duration.


Falling asleep and then not waking up having been transported to the bed safely ?


The fact that the sort of thing I used to do all night now takes all night to do.


For me it's that the body isn't as strong as the mind anymore.......


Time and loosing friends


Getting older, achey knees, people looking weirdly at me playing thrash metal in my car, not sure how to dress and not really caring. Constantly needing the loo and hot flushes!


I'm quite enjoying it mostly. I guess not being able to get a friend with benefits and I mean friend mostly. I still fancy basically the same woman I always did which doesn't work very well lol.


Losing my memory and having no patience.


Realizing there are things I kept putting off that I should not have. "You have all the time in the world" is not a quote to live by - it's actually horrible advice!


The creaking and cracking when I get up, even my fingers, I’d be sewing and I can hear em. The rest of my shop can hear them crack too.


The need to eat and work out.


Watching as my parents slow down. Luckily my dad takes pretty good care of himself but my mom is getting weaker. Worrying that that's where I'll be in 20 years.


Healing takes longer. ? i still play football (soccer) , often with guys less than half my age. My knowledge of the game compensates for loss of pace. But the injuries take longer to heal. Frustrating but managable ?


My life just keeps getting better and better the older I get.


Any day not spent dead is a good day!

N7EIE Level 6 May 8, 2018

The mind says yes, and the body says hell no.

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