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American atheist ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 10

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Never question the science! Science is all about blind obedience to the state!!!!


And logic and reasoning, don't leave those out.


Separating the genders in athletic endeavor has hard proof, proof any with vision would confirm eg no need for any education. Just compare the pelvis area of male and female in us, the human species.
That's science. Any other belief is a...........belief.

puff Level 8 Aug 10, 2024

Soooo.... NOW you trust the science over religion ? bout time

@Leetx Always have. Not only biology/ bone structure regarding gender in sports. I grew up with women's rights and it took a long time for women spaces in sports, their own safe spaces in changing rooms, toilet facilities etc. Their own viable competitions. To stop men from deciding everything for them.
Male physic is stronger than a womans giving advantage in most sporting/ athletic disciplines. Denser bones which takes an exclusive women's space away where they may compete on a level playing field.
All the gender bollocks is fine but not competitive sports. Hormone therapy will not change bone structure of the pubic area where male Vs female is obvious..

Your view is apparently what our GOP is doing here in America right now. They seem to want to look up a woman's dress to prove she is a woman.

Just to set it straight, I am a Progressive and I believe that if you took drugs to become female, got it cut off and want to play in woman's sports you are STILL a man and this is not fair.

@DenoPenno We agree. I too am progressive as in I want to move forward. Forget genitals, Do an X-ray of pelvic bone is what I am saying when grouping for sport only. Socially, whatever.


"Science hurts my brain, that's why I Buy Bull." 😉


Science is always searching and testing. Religion never changes if you go by the bibble.

Religion definitely changes over time. However, it does recycle and rework myths from earlier religions and cultures and works them into their own theologies...


Damn straight we do!

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