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When you say "Trust the science", what does that actually mean? Not much. It seems many atheists/ agnostics choose science over religion, but I'm sure they don't really know what they mean by "science".

puff 8 Aug 11

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We may be able to trust the science but can we trust the scientists? They have agendas, can be biased, worry about tenure and funding, take credit for the work of their students, and other nasty qualities. Some are no more trustworthy than religious leaders.


BeJeebus people, just read the link. I concur with the link which is why I posted it.
Just read the introduction and the first 2 bits; "The Scientific method" and "Hypothesis, Theory and Law"
This is what I was taught in the early 90's and it has not changed.

Then comment if the phrase "Trust the science" constantly banded about has been used in the correct context by many.

puff Level 8 Aug 11, 2024

Science is not a belief system. It is simply the philosophy that there is no absolute truth possible, but that the best and most certain approximations to truth are made by using the most rigorous methods.

Science is humanity's pursuit of knowledge in the physical universe and the accumulation of that knowledge. pls view my comment above

@puff True though I think that it is valuable to add that though, in practice yes, that is what science is. But from a historical point of view "science", which is a very new word, for what was once known as natural philosophy, differs from other philosophies in the way described, and that difference is the only really important thing, since everything else follows from that.

The pursuit of knowledge in the physical universe, is something people have always indulged in, sometimes even by enquiring for information about the natural, from supposed supernatural agencies. While in the western philosophical tradition, as established in the classical world, it was done by the use of reasoning within the framework of the accepted rules of logic. Science only becomes accepted as an new and different philosophy, when the scientific method becomes the norm among those practicing it. And the scientific method follows from the acceptance of the position, "that there is no absolute truth possible, but that the best and most certain approximations to truth are made by using the most rigorous methods."

@Fernapple I bastardise Winston Churchill. "Science may not be perfect, but it's the best method of discovery we have come up with."


I believe science. It does not mean that I "believe in" as is implied here. Science is always testing and improving. If they find a better model they go with it. Religion stays the same. It just has different idiots trying to apologize it for you through the years.

I think it's more religion cannot be questioned whereas science demands it. pls view my comment above


YOU don't know the difference, I am clear.
Science is the pursuit of answers....theories are formed and tested and others try to confirm/deny/replicate results which are reported along with the protocolsmused for that particular test in reputable peer-reviewed journals.
BS is willy-nil)y blatted about everywhere.
See the difference now?

I concur with the link I posted which is clear and concise. This is why I posted it.

These "protocols" you are proud of understanding were not done during covid. Where was the control group? The replicated results from testing conducted independently?
Instead of peer review, they wanted to secrete trial data/ processes away for 75 years.

And yet, how many times did people deflect questions with "trust the science"? One very powerful one in particular?


I think I know the difference between religion and science. I have a reasonably firm grasp on reality.

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In my case, "trust the science" means to value actual evidence over faith (belief without any evidence)

Certainly would trust more by facts and evidence than by blind faith.

I think it was an overused phrase that was used to shutdown decent. pls view my comment above
ed dissent


Consider the following points...

  1. Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. It relies on empirical evidence, experimentation, and peer review, which distinguishes it from any sort of belief system(s).

  2. The scientific method involves observation, hypothesis formulation, experimentation, and analysis. This process helps ensure that conclusions are based on evidence rather than personal beliefs or opinions. Grant it, there's always room for error there, but that's still vastly different than from how human-made belief systems operate.

  3. Scientific knowledge is built upon through consensus among experts in the field, who rigorously review each other's work. This collaborative process (peer reviewed) helps to minimize bias and error, leading to more reliable conclusions.

  4. Science is self-correcting. New evidence can lead to the revision of existing theories, which is a strength rather than a weakness. This adaptability shows that science is a dynamic process that seeks to improve our understanding of the world, which again is quite different compared to belief systems that do not require evidence in order to believe something.

  5. Scientific advancements have and continue to lead to significant improvements in health, technology, and our understanding of the environment. This demonstrates the practical value of trusting scientific findings.

  6. While religion often relies on faith and doctrine, science is based on evidence and inquiry. This distinction is important for understanding why many people, including atheists, may prefer science as a means of understanding the world.

By considering those points, we can have a more nuanced understanding of what "trust the science" means and why it holds value in discussions about knowledge and belief.

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I'm glad you mentioned knowledge and belief. They are complete opposites.


Soooo....NOW you trust the science. hahahaha

Leetx Level 7 Aug 11, 2024

No, I understand the scientific process. Not a matter of trusting, you either accept science or reject it. And you reject it when it is badly flawed or accept with low confidence.


Even though they can trust proven science, many people don't know science, and compensate with belief. Religion is divergent and fickle since it is belief without evidence.

Science starts with a basic understanding, then tests and experiments to expand that knowledge. When something is in error, or proven false, science embraces it as a part of a more comprehensive understanding.

Religion starts with a preconceived notion, it resists evidence, science, change, or anything that can affect that notion negatively. This has been proven to be a detriment on society as well as dangerous.

A god is not defined by reality or existence, believers make the assertion that it is, the god makes no assertion whether it exists or not, it is therefore the believer who must then prove the assertions they make.

In order to know, you must have knowledge, in order to have knowledge, you must have evidence. Believers simply believe without evidence producing knowledge. A scientist, atheist or non-believer, accepts knowledge that evidence produces. Theists have NOT produced any evidence for gods.

This is why scientists, atheists or non-believers, demand proof in order to obtain knowledge and theists demand belief in order to sustain their faith.

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The systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, an experimentation.

It's more of awareness and consciousness thinking.
Many people really don't think much in general. Where religion are over obeiance with contradiction of their owe laws, hypocrisy. They are not really studing the spiritual of the 99% unknowns. . Nature laws may not seem all justice, yet can be understood.

Wanna try and fix this Word Salad?!?!??


What part, do you not understand?
Maybe the 99% unknowns.

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