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Flyingsaucesir 8 Aug 13

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oh yes, that airhead will get elected, wave a wand, & the 150 trillion of current debt & unfunded liabliities will just disappear.
a very high % of americans have no clue what a financial abyss they're sinking into. in a few years they'll be facing a nightmarish awakening.

Oh, you mean that $15 trillion that Trumps tax cuts for the rich added to the national debt? Or the $4 trillion+ we pissed away in two ill-conceived wars started by one Republican president?

It's true that we need to get our financial house in order. But tax holidays for the rich are not the way to go about it.

We can fund Social Security and Medicare. We just need to decide to do it. (Means testing would be part of the solution. I've never understood why we haven't addressed that elephant in the room.)

At least we are getting something for the Biden/Harris spending: infrastructure, manufacturing, public health, and jobs, jobs, jobs! 😃

By the way, why do you call her an "airhead"? She graduated law school, passed the bar exam, was a prosecutor, then District Attorney, then Attorney General of the 5th biggest economy in the world. How can one be an airhead and do all that? Please explain.

@Flyingsaucesir @callmedubious I agree with @flyingsaucesir, why do you call her an "airhead"? I am fairly sure she is fully qualified and likely smarter and more educated than you are.

@HippieChick58 @callmedubious His silence speaks volumes.

@Flyingsaucesir , have you ever heard her do a news conference? no, bc she doesn't do them. however the few times she has been captured on video she emits senseless word salads & a humorless cackle.
Willie Brown--check her relation with him which explains her rise to CA attorney general.
you brainwashed ppl are so fcked...

@callmedubious I have heard Harris speak extemporaneously lots of times, including on the debate stage. I have not heard any of the kinds of sounds you mentioned. No "word salad", no "humorless cackle." I do remember that she was the only Democratic candidate who scored a hit on Biden in the debate though.

Funny that you should mention Willie Brown. Trump thinks he had a scary helicopter ride over L.A. with the former San Francisco mayor. In fact, the incident occurred in New Jersey, and the Black guy on board with Trump was not Willie Brown; it was Nate Holden. This is further evidence that Trump's syphilis has reached an advanced stage, and had eaten deep into that organ between his ears that passes for a brain. 😂

@Flyingsaucesir , i'm no fan of trump. he's a narcisstic, parasitic idiot, imo.
so there are your 2 choices.
which one will get to preside over the total financial collapse of a country, which using simple compound interest math, is imminent?

@callmedubious So you lived off the government tit your whole adult life, and now, in your old age, you're complaining? Yeah, I read your bio. 😂

Lots of religious believers think that Armageddon is just around the corner. I guess one doesn't have to believe in Jesus to think that the sky is falling. 🐥

A couple of my old buddies, guys I've known since high school, like you, claim to be apolitical. In fact, they're just full of shit. They're political as hell, but they're afraid to defend their positions, because they know deep down that they're standing in quicksand.

Newsflash: there is no such thing as a perfect candidate, or a perfect president. Don't let perfection be the enemy of good.

You come here wringing your hands like some old lady. You want perfection, you want assurances. Well, life just doesn't work that way. You go to war with the army you've got, not the one you wish you had.

Yes, Harris is to some extent an unknown quantity. But at least we know that she has been a part of a damned good administration, one that has achieved a lot in a short time, and seen the country through some dark times.

The only other choice available to us is a malignant narcissist, an incompetent boob, a convicted felon, a neo Nazi, a sexual predator, a tax cheat, a racist pig, a would-be dictator...Shall I go on?

I have no patience for people who only throw rocks and offer zero solutions.

So, my friend, please, lead, follow, or get the fuck out of the way!

@Flyingsaucesir , unfortunately, there are no easy solutions. and the hard ones will be forced on the proletariat by the always.

@callmedubious That is the way it generally goes, except when it doesn't.

Examples of when the elites didn't get everything they wanted:

1775-1783 Declaration of Independence, Patriot victory in Revolutionary War

1787 signing of the US Constitution

1791 Bill of Rights (constitutional amendments 1 - 10)

1861-1865 Emancipation Proclamation, Union victory in Civil War

1869 14th Amendment (Black men's suffrage)

1890 Sherman Act (trust busting)

1914 Clayton Act and Federal Trade Commission Act (more trust busting)

1920 19th Amendment (women's suffrage)

1933-1938 New Deal (including National Labor Relations Act, Glass-steagal Act, Social Security, etc.)

1964 Civil Rights Act

1965 Voting Rights Act,

1965 Social Security Act amended to create Medicare

1970 - present National Environmental Policy Act and dozens of federal laws protecting air, water, land, species, etc., etc.

1991 Truth in Savings Act

2009-2010 Affordable Care Act

2021-2024 expansion of ACA and negotiation with big pharma to lower drug costs to Medicare

Do you see the pattern here? Rights and protections are gained incrementally, and extended over time to benefit wider and wider swaths of society. Sometimes there is backsliding, and older laws have to be reinforced with newer laws. There is always compromise along the way. Nobody gets everything they want; some people fall through the cracks. But the overall trend is clearly towards more rights and more protections for more people.

@Flyingsaucesir i applaud your optimism. but i'm not sure if you fully understand the anchor of a 35 trillion $ deficit, in which the interest alone is now more than the entire defense budget which is grotesquely high ( higher than the next 10 countries defense spending combined). dealing with this monstrous deficit ( never mind the unfunded liabilities) severely limits the options that the govt has to deal with it.
anyone who understands how compound interest works has to see a disaster is inevitable.

@Flyingsaucesir , actually i served with air ops in the Canadian Airforce for 20 years, including 4 yrs with NATO in germany, in which every base i served on had a search & rescue squadron. i wasn't involved in killing a bunch of civilians like the majority of your war heroes in all the small defenceless countries that the mighty USA attacked & invaded since ww2.

@Flyingsaucesir, she graduated law school. that's a fcking joke if there ever was one. do you realize one of the main reasons why your country is so fcked up is bc of all the lawyers & useless litigation in which hundreds of billions go to law firms. i doubt if you are aware that the US has 10 times as many lawyers as Japan which despite it's ridiculous debt still has a more productive economy than the US & much less income disparity. ppl there aren't bankrupted by medical bills like happens way too often in the US.

@callmedubious Yeah, I'm aware of the deficit, the debt, the interest, the lawyers, the massive military, the unjust wars,...yup, yup, yup. You didn't mention climate change. That's the real elephant in the room. In 1980 climate-related disasters were costing us around $15 billion per year. Now the cost of fires, floods, winds, and heat waves is closer to $150 billion a year; a tenfold increase in only 40-odd years. And yet I'm not planning on to slitting my wrists any time soon. Go figure! But you go ahead and double down on negativity and rock throwing. I'll try to remember not to expect any solutions from you.

@Flyingsaucesir , finally, i've got some good news for you. climate change has become climate alarmism & is greatly exagerated, in fact mostly propaganda, lies.
just one recent example. many years ago the climate alarmists claimed that the great barrier reef was dying. recent reports have shown that it is healthy & recovered from cycles it goes thru.
another was the report by UN scientists in 1989 that within 30 yrs coastal cities would be flooded. i have lived beside the pacific ocean for almost 50 yrs, am only a 15 min walk from the shore & i can tell you that the ocean level has not risen at all during that time.
1600 respected scientists have signed a letter completely refuting all the bs/lies from those scientists who are all reliant on grants & subsidies.
something else to think about: just in the past couple weeks record low temps have been set through several states in the mid-west US.

@callmedubious Wow, you really are full of shit. But I suspect you know that, and you just get a kick out of trolling people. So I'm not going to waste my time trying to educate you. I only have time for serious-minded people.

@Flyingsaucesir , good luck. you are about as brainwashed & hopeless as they come.



You're postings are marked as future, I'm not sure how that is happening. I think once you figure that out it will take care of your that problem. As it is, I posted your picture for you. Thanks for your contribution. [] is the URL for the group.

I think someone behind the scenes is trying to slow me down. To them I say 🖕

I have had several posts, made in the usual way, show me a "future time" it woukd post and insist I accept it.
Maybe 5 tries of insisting I wasn't interested and I finally set the clock to 5 minutes into the future and it showed up 5 minutes later.

@annewimsey500 I tried something similar to no avail. One thing I did notice was that every time I edited the post, its release time got set farther into the future.

@Flyingsaucesir I get the FUTURE thing in my posts too and to deal with it I copy and paste, then delete my post and try it again. There are settings for the future thing but they do not mind very well. Apparently somebody does not want us to turn this thing off.

@DenoPenno I think admin is putting a thumb on the scale ⚖️


I will try to post it for you.

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