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Is anybody else finding it painfully slow to reach and navigate this site?

ParryHotter 7 Aug 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Been like that for well over a year now. The site needs some serious updates.


It has been very difficult to sign on recently and sometimes impossible.

Today is a good day, but it's early. lol


We're all feeling the 'issue'.

ALL of us? What is your evidence?

@yvilletom the fact that many us would agree. Like me. It's glitchy as hell these days and when it goes down we just know that how it is.


Yes, it seems to time out before I can connect. I haven't been able to get in for a while, but I just tried it a few minutes ago and got right in, for whatever reason!


Yes. I thought that it was just me.

Unity Level 8 Aug 15, 2024

It is most of us. I hope it will get fixed. 😟

@Betty The good thing is that I cleaned. my phone up, which made it operate better for other things. 😊

We ALways think, 'must just be me', how human. I love this site and I do hope it gets fixed soon.

@Unity There you found a silver lining. At least something good happened. 🙂

Don't give up on this site. It went down once and came back so, I have hope it will get better.

@Betty At this point, I'm rather doubtful this site will ever get the much needed overhaul. Sure hope I'm mistaken about that though.

@Unity Android or Apple phone??

@SpikeTalon Android

@Unity All good. When I get the time to do so, looking to extract the source code for the app for Android, to see if maybe the code for that app could be updated somehow without Admin getting involved, and maybe there's a way to share the updated apk file on my GitHub page.

Might be awhile though until I finally get around to that, the Allentown Fair starts this Wednesday, and going to that multiple times.

@SpikeTalon I hope you are mistaken as well. This site is my daily dose of intellect. All I can do is hope. 😟

@SpikeTalon Enjoy the fair buddy

@SpikeTalon What do you enjoy the most at the fair?

@Betty The animals and the Ag Hall building tied. Years ago it used to be about the food, but being I'm diabetic now have to watch what I eat.

@SpikeTalon I'm sorry you have to deal with diabetes. 😟 Type 1 or 2?

I always liked the baby animals the best. So cute. 🙂

@Betty It's Type 1 unfortunately, the type that cannot be reversed, and had already reached age 35 no less when first got diagnosed. Coincidentally, August 27th will mark exactly five years since I got diagnosed (and nearly died).

I usually like seeing the goats, as they are quicker to interact with people unlike the cows and pigs and sheep that don't show as much interest.

@Unity Thank you, and will surely do. I'll most likely get some photos of the Fair and do a post on here sharing them.

@SpikeTalon I'm sorry to hear that. My partner had type 2 and it was a pain always checking his glucose and having to avoid the foods he likes best.
Diabetes is known as the silent killer. I'm sure you are aware, vigilant, and keeping track of your levels. It is an insidious disease in constant need of monitoring. Hopefully, a cure will come in your lifetime. I'll keep my fingers crossed in hopes of that. Take care. 🙂


I sometimes get a number on the screen and I can't get in.

405 time out.... I get that a lot.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Perhaps we are considered "dodgy" so every transaction is being filtered, that would explain the delays, even when you are signed in moving around is taking up to a minute or more!

@ParryHotter Poorly written code is the main problem and lack of maintenance doesn't help any either...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz From bitter experience I have no faith, government, politics, religion, oh, and Admin!

@ParryHotter I have very little faith in humanity....


You are not alone. 😟

Betty Level 8 Aug 14, 2024

It's happening the world over. Even @Alienbeing commented in the Senate.

It may even be due to those genocidal Jews attacking Iran.


Yes, so I pause, for lunch perhaps. I try again and when Admin has finished the site is again fast.

In short, pause your compulsion.

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