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A diagnosis of malignant narcissism only requires the presence of FIVE of these personality traits. Which of them are exhibited by Donald J. Trump?

Sense of entitlement ✅

Lack of empathy ✅

Craving attention ✅

Envious of others ✅

Exploits others ✅

Grandiose sense of self importance ✅

Manipulative ✅

Agression ✅

Attention seeking ✅

Lack of remorse ✅

Arrogant or conceited behavior or attitudes ✅

Exaggerates his own capabilities ✅

Hypersensitivity to criticism ✅

Paranoia ✅

Physical abuse ✅

Belief in own superiority ✅

Difficulty planning ahead ✅

Failure to conform to social norms ✅

Frequent fantasies about having or deserving ✅

Impulsivity ✅

Flyingsaucesir 8 Aug 16

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Well then, something he is good at...Finally....??!!??

LOL! Yes! Finally a test that he doesn't have to pay someone else to take in order to pass! 😂

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