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It takes a special type of Con man, to get rich, without paying taxes, by selling people, an invisible product, for 10% of their income, that they can't see, until after they die.... supposedly. No proof that the product is real, and no one has ever seen the product. The consumer is threatened with punishment for eternity if they do not get that invisible product. 🤔😡

noworry28 8 Aug 16

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Top 10 richest communists who preach about Equality:

Nancy pelosi

Bernie sanders

Mark Zuckerberg

Larry fink

You get the idea, dumb dumb

MAGA tRumpidiot.

@noworry28 no you're a fucking idiot, trump is a commie too


It would be so nice to see someone hack these fraudsters bank accounts and steal all their money then carefully filter it slowly enough to not attract attention to worthwhile causes...

They call that The Robin Hood Hack.


If hell existed, I'd like to think there was a special section there for the con men preachers, esp. the ones who fleece their flock and get rich..


Many years ago a preacher from Texas named Ewing gave the "seed faith" prosperity gospel to Oral Roberts. This is what brings in the money.


Who is Mo?! 😃


Eye of a needle??

I think I know what you mean, leftovers from an indoctrination gone wrong. However I was thinking snowball.


Religion is the oldest con in the book.

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